Steemit from a different perspective

in #steemit8 years ago

The past days it looks like there is a surge of posts about people questioning the reward system on steemit. People think it is unfair that some posts with topics they consider irrelevant, are being rewarded heavily. Others complain about the extreme voting power of whales. Though, I do have some kind of understanding for the way these people feel, I would like to address myself to them and offer them a different perspective to look at things.

Personal reality

People might feel that the current reward system isn't fair. But people need to understand that the way we all view life is determined by our personal beliefs. Our estimation of fairness depends entirely on the framework of our personal beliefs. Our beliefs provide a structured process through which we evaluate everything in our lives. Everything we see, experience, think and feel is adjusted to fit with our beliefs. When people feel the current reward system is unfair, this feeling is a direct consequence of their own personal reality that results from these personal beliefs. But every person has its own personal reality. And what looks unfair in one reality, might look extremely fair in another reality. The point I am trying to make here is that nobody is right or wrong. Everything depends on how you look at it and there is no wrong way to look at it. You are all right.


Frustration is experienced whenever the results you are expecting do not seem to fit the effort and action you are applying. Frustration will occur whenever your actions are producing less and fewer results than you think they should. You worked so hard to write that article you thought was going to rock on steemit. You did hours of research to gather all the information you needed to make this fantastic article. You gave your heart and soul to it and expected people would appreciate it by giving you many upvotes. But 24 hours later this hasn't become reality. A feeling of unfairness and frustration starts to kick in. How is this possible ? Afterall, you put so much effort in it and you know that your article is well written and has tons of value in it. People should have upvoted you much more.


But people didn't upvote you and there is nothing you can do about that. You can make as many posts as you want complaining about how unfair the reward system in steemit are, but that's not going to change a thing for you. It is just the way it is. The only thing one can do is to accept things as they are and recognize the wisdom of the Serenity Prayer..."God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.". Acceptation is the only useful way to deal with frustration.

Never give up

It is OK to feel frustration. Frustration isn't necessarily a bad thing. Frustration is a wonderful thing if you use it the right way. Use it as your fuel to take you to the next level. Use it as a motivator to become better. Keep posting and keep learning with your upvotes as the feedback you need to improve. Learn from others. Do whatever it takes to become better and never give up. Failure doesn't exist, only feedback. The only way for you to fail is to give up. If you don't give up, sooner or later you will find a way to be heard.


As a final note, be aware that you might offend people when you say that certain topics do not deserve to be upvoted that much. These people are just doing the same as you. They are giving their best in order to be seen on steemit. They put their hearth and passion in something they really love and post it here with the best possible intentions. Even though you don't like their topic, at least they deserve the appreciation for the passion and hard work they put into it. Don't be angry with them. On the contrary, be happy for them. Always cheer whenever someone is being successful. In the meanwhile, keep looking for a way to become succesful yourself too.

Happy Steeming !


i totally agree with you there is actually some post that really irrelevant
but some how they get rewarded may they just know the secret i we didn't figure it out yet
nice post and keep up

Thanks for the feedback.

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