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RE: Hate Speech on Steemit. No recourse?

in #steemit7 years ago

Since I already did this elsewhere, let's do it here and break it down:

"Transgender has become a buzzword lately. " Well, that's just a bullshit statement, but let's move on.

"They're even going as far as trying to convince us it's a part of evolution!"

Who is they? Note he doesn't say "the powers that be" or "the Democrats" or "the libs". He leaves that vague. But the word "transgender" is still out there.

"Many people think Michelle Obama is transgender. Could that be why Obama pushed the issue for transgender bathrooms?"

This is the smokescreen. "Obama is trans" is a well known Alex Jones trope. That is being tied, specifically, to Obama - not "they" pushing the issue for transgender bathrooms.

"Why are they promoting it so much? Could it be part of their depopulation agenda?"

Who is they? Again, he specifically doesn't say, but the very clear indication, the very loud dog whistle? Is trans people.


Well, the transgender people here on steemit generally agree with @arevolution.

When talking about conspiracy theories, it is fairly normal to refer to them as "they". Because we really do not have a name for an amorphous blob of evil that does its best to control all the nations and pit them against each other as one would kill pawns in a chess match.

So, sorry that the group doesn't have a nice name to refer to them by. "They" is the term used most often. (Illuminati, Devil worshippers, Satanists, Masons, Skull & Bones society, CFR, Trilateral Commision... none of these are correct and all of them are correct)

The fact is there is a really big push over transgender people. And it is not coming from any transgender community. Many transgender people are appalled at what is happening and state that they are not for these laws and outcomes. So, a small percentage of a tiny percentage are the ones driving this? I don't think so. Something bigger is afoot.

You'd like to make this about some shadowy organization that may or may not have the power you assign it - outside of your need to abrogate responsibility to some fictional movie villain - but it's a diversion from the actual topic, and I think you know it. The only "transgender agenda" is the one you lunatics are imagining. Most of them would be quite content to just be left alone. I realize you can cite dozens of examples of jackass militants that "prove" you're right, but for every one of those there are 100 who would rather not get involved. I'm not one of those. I suggest you tag a few more delusional children who think blog posts are articles though. Because you know, your point is more valid if a mob agrees with it. And that's individualism, right? As long as it doesn't make you uncomfortable.

Fucking sociopathic children ...

The... transgender people here on steemit generally agree with him? The what now?

Also, thanks for tagging him when I specifically didn't. That was a nice touch.

So as a Transgender person here on steemit i can explicitly tell you that i do not agree and you are trying to construct a very poor argument from authority that you lack.

The "big push" you speak of is those of us in the transgender community tired of being killed by people like you touting free speech but spewing misinformation and hate.

You are not clever or arguing anything real. Stop using disenfranchised marginalized communities to back your made up stats. I deal wityh thousands of my brothers and sisters weekly and trust me we are all pushing for equality, underfunded and being killed at higher rates every year but we are pushing. drop your act I see through it its insulting to my intelligence that you expect me to listen to your under informed opinion when i live the facts every day. If this asshole didn't want to be inflammatory he would not have used the transgender tag plain and simple this article is baiting not information, drop the pretense.

I do not have any hate. And I have done my best to explain where the person was coming from that @didic took the screen shot from.

All you have done is attack me personally. You haven't said anything informative except that you are transgender person.

I suggest you get off your hate-speech soap box and start with a real conversation.

I believe something big is afoot, as does arevolution. (but we do not share the same theories)

I believe that an evil group is shoving LGBT in everyone's face to

  1. Get a reaction. To make a new bogeyman.
  2. To break down society via degeneracy.
  3. Trying to get society to push back against LGBTs and so they can be the first ones to be taken to FEMA camps.

Just like Hitler did with the Jews. Have you studied the propaganda campaign done by Hitler to make the Jews out as the most evil of evil. The ones responsible for all the problems in Germany?

There is a very close parallel with what Hitler did then, and what is happening now. And since I do not want to see my gay and lesbian friends hurt when this blowback comes, I attempt to point out these parallels.

You decided to not read my posts then but its cool, i got time.

You do in fact bring your arguments from a hateful place this bares out by reading a little further down in all your posting where you refer to being a part of the lgbt community as being degenerative to society.

I will get down from my soap box when I am well and ready peasant, i don't take orders from you.

There is nothing being shoved in anyone's face, you seem to completely lack any functional knowledge on this topic so you will forgive me when i get angry at having to explain the basics repetitively to every single cis het person claiming to know something about who i am.

Your comparison to the holocaust is pedantic and baiting. also meaningless as the lgbt movement is trying for equality not self eradication. We have fought for every step of freedom for the last 100 years in this country but right big papa, its a government plot...Im heavy on tangibleAncapFlagRGB.jpg history, stonewall, pride ect showing that we are just people sick of being stepped on and denied basic rights, then you want me to listen when you've put nothing in the ring but you have an asshat half baked theory? Naw papa ima keep fighting so they don't try to kill my son later this year ya? So maybe I can leave my gun at home one day of the week? So perhaps the six dudes that beat three teeth outa my face last year could be arrested? Seems like I got big things going on, ground up self lead no dark intent just trying to stay alive...but im glad you watched some utube...

Are you fucking seriously going there? Alright, I'm opening the can then. Daring to exist in public spaces is not "shoving LGBT in everyone's face". I've said a few informative things, which of course you aren't responding to. Nobody thus far has engaged in hate speech, but you are definitely delusional.

  1. What reaction? What bogeyman? Transgender people have existed in every culture since the dawn of "civilization".
  2. If you represent society, I hope it breaks down sooner than later. Degeneracy is subjective. You sound like a Sunni Muslim with that shit.
  3. Umm ... wow. Just wow.

Hitler put yellow Stars of David on Jews and pink triangles on homosexuals. Just like you're advocating. Hitler got away with it because he convinced people that Jews and homosexuals were "degenerate" and reducing the birth rate and "purity" of Germany. Have you even read the Nazi Party Platform or Mein Kampf? Maybe don't invoke Hitler when it's gonna backfire so spectacularly.

I am glad you have half of the story.
The other half is what happened that allowed a person like Hitler to come to power.

It didn't start with Hitler. That is where it ended. There was a push for normalcy of deviancy (that is being pushed by the same families as are pushing it today. Remember, Grandpa Bush funded Hitler.) These years before the rise of Hitler were just as important to this narrative.

Have you read Gulag Archipelago? It helps shed light on the Nazi Party Platform and Mein Kamp.

Grandpa Bush didn't fund Hitler you fucking moron. He was personally appalled by the Nazis and withdrew from Union Banking Corp. when he found out they were holding Nazi assets. There's a cause-and-effect relationship going back to the dawn of humanity. Grow up.
My family is Jewish. You want to take your head out of your ass now?


Then go dispute it here

And you may want to read Tragedy & Hope.
Here is the clif notes version:

Jeff Rense' website is your source? This Jeff Rence?

It's not like you had a ton of credibility before, but any you may have had? Poof.

Sure. LOL Joe the Plumber is totally not a right-wing conspiracy theorist. Dude. You're making this too easy.
And nice attempt at diversion from the actual topic. What does that have to do with the "LGBT Agenda"? Oh that's right. Nothing. You just want me to talk about something else. I wonder why ...

Let me put it in terms you can understand. If I share a post from Rachel Maddow, you're gonna blow it off as leftist propaganda, and you would be right to do so. She's batshit crazy and doesn't know the first thing about economics or the dangers of socialism. And she is more credible than Jeff Rense.

So, sorry that the group doesn't have a nice name to refer to them by. "They" is the term used most often. (Illuminati, Devil worshippers, Satanists, Masons, Skull & Bones society, CFR, Trilateral Commision... none of these are correct and all of them are correct)

It's the Reverse Vampires. Definitely.

Would you like to have this conversation on the LGBT+ Discord server I help moderate?

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