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RE: 🚨 Warning !! I Was Just Flagged Like Crazy By Nogs Bot Army ! You May Be Next !!🚨 Edit : nog = noganoo !!!!

in #steemit7 years ago

From what I can see, Steemit is the Wild West. There is so many (IMV) bad things going on that it would make me pull my hair out if I had any. lol

I suspect he can't help but you could approach @sherlockholmes although he seems to concentrate on people who create multiple accounts for financial gain. Sadly the only reward for his hard work is the kudos for 'outing' these parasites as again, nobody higher up the food-chain seems willing to do anything about it.

There's no monetary reward for downvoting you, or anyone else for that matter so I can only think that this bot was created for one of two reasons.

A: Someone who feels aggrieved and sees it as 'Pay Back'.
B: Simply a vindictive person who gets some sort of warped pleasure out of it.

I have no idea how, but you need to get this sorted as clearly you're in this bots crosshairs if it continues. :-(


This army of bots must be doing this many others as they all ready know about about the "nog" bot army in steemit abuse ! I would go with "A" . Im not going to dwell on this right now , I like to keep a positive attitude if I can , even though its difficult sometimes ! Especially while im running my positive post contest ! LOL ! Im just hoping it doesn't come back and flag some more ! ✌👍💕

Fingers crossed.

just found out in steemitabuse that "nog" = @noganoo !!! Its his bot army and he's pissed I guess at steemit is what it looks like to me . Heading to bed , good night , its 5 am ! LOL! I really am addicted to steemit ! Haha !😂😁😴😴😴

lol. catch you on the flip side.

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