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RE: 1.24 The Clinton Crime Cartel & #QAnon Breaking News!

in #steemit7 years ago

I am in the UK, a UK citizen (not ‘subject’). I spent most of my adult life on the political left, drifting slowly away from the fantasies of big government. I watched with increasing dismay as first Obama, and then HRC, demonstrated with their actions, not words; that they were utterly corrupt, contemptable, empty shells of human beings, with no moral centre or genuine humanity. As your 2016 election approached I was then aghast to see a billionaire reality tv star come forward as the alternative to the travesty that the Democratic Party had obviously become. But then I heard the speech – shown again here and linked through Q – live on tv, as it happened. Everything changed. For the first time in my life I heard a politician, anywhere in the world, call it as it is. And he was a Republican! Watching this again today, knowing what we know now, this speech brought tears to my eyes. The cabal is dying. We are taking back our planet, our species – perhaps for the first time in many thousands of years. This is happening. Thank you DJT. Thank you USA. Those words, I never thought I would say.


+dharmapee: I share your metamorphosis from political left / Democrat Party to President Donald J. Trump. The Bernie Sanders' BETRAYAL is what turned me on a dime, haven't looked back since. Mind you, the Clinton machine has been jerking around us real progressives for their entire careers but after watching Bernie's 2016 bait-n-switch after taking my maxed out volunteering and $$$, I'm spitting nails furiously. Please watch / share this super 1/14/18 interview by Greg Hunter (youtuber former msm journalist) of former CIA officer, Kevin Shipp. They give one of the best analyses on what we are witnessing / experiencing. Thanks for sharing your views from UK!


Hi lmcfreeatlast - yes I absolutely agree, I could have easily been caught in that slight of hand too. Sanders behaviour was utterly reprehensible, and sadly many prominent Sanders supporters who see perfectly clearly what Clinton is still cannot bring themselves to clarity regarding him - and indeed Obama. HA Goodman is a excellent example of this - I have a lot of time for him and his work, but this blindspot of his, and others like him, leaves me dazed. I have seen this interview with Kevin Shipp, I agree that it is excellent, and I urge others to check it out too. Db

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