When did you join Steemit?? - New "Joined in ----" Feature!

in #steemit8 years ago

Just noticed the little badge under my Steemit name that says I joined August 2016. That's right all you minnow pukes, I'm O.G!!! Can I finally make a post tagged TIL? I think so. I did learn this today. How long has this been around anyhow, am I just noticing something now that has been around for like a week?

Check this business!!!

Not satisfied? Here it is a little closer:


Seriously though, it's only been like three or four months since I've been on Steemit??? What the heck? It honestly feels like a year since I've been posting here. I guess time flies when you're having fun right? Kind of a cool reminder how quickly this thing can and has been growing. The price seems to be leveling off now, new features are being added. Functionality and usability are waaaaay up since I first joined. I think Steemit is well on it's way guys.

So how long have you been around? Are you staying? It apparently took me four months to go from 3.5 SP to well over 6,000. Yes that does have a bit to do with the downtrend of the price of Steem right now, but I'm pretty sure I'd be up around 2 or 3,000 right now even if the price hadn't taken a beating. I'd say that's a pretty solid investment wouldn't you? A few hours tippity typing at my computer, uploading photos, and all of a sudden 6,000 SP, I'm cool with that. And it's a real good reminder for me to keep up with this, because according to @tuck-fheman's post Italy could be about to dump the Euro and with it some potentially volatile world economy issues. Maybe Steem will be a good backup to savings?

Rant over!!! Seriously for real honestly seriously though, when did you join? And if you feel I'm abusing the til tag just let me know and I'll remove it, I'm not sure of the rules for that one.

Thanks for reading!



time sure does fly on here!

But wait...there's more!

Click your blog then click Settings and you can add profile information, your location, your website and your display name!

Say whaaaaaaat!!!!

Sweet, right? I see you've been playing with it! I need to update my website now.

Even MOAH...

see the leetle eyeball on the right? Much like the CBS logo? It's to the right of the 'reply' button? It's got a number beside it. It indicates how many 'views' the post has received.

Compare it with the number of votes.


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