The phenomenon of crying blood occurs again in British women

in #steemit6 years ago


Similar to the case of Linnie Ikeda, a beautiful girl from Hawaii who can bleed from her eyes. This time a mysterious disease called Gardner Diamond Syndrome (accumulated blood tissue) occurs in "Marnie Harvey", a 17-year-old girl from Stoke England, where both eyes will bleed when she wakes up in the morning. This strange condition is even worse than Linnie Ikeda.
It's been more than 3 years since 2013, the phenomenon of blood crying was suffered by Marnie Harvey. And not only the eyes, blood also seeps through the ear holes, tongue, nose, nails and scalp.

The first time he felt such anomalies in July 2013, Marnie was surprised to find her sleeping pillow wet with thickened blood. He was very shocked and asked where the mysterious blood came from. But how shocked he was when he found out that the blood had come from his own eyes.


Not only did Marnie feel frightened, the mother and her sister and sister also cried hysterically, they immediately called an ambulance to take her to the hospital.
But upon arrival the doctor was still hesitant to diagnose the mysterious disease suffered by Marnie, is it the same as Linnie Ikeda who suffered from Gardner Diamond Syndrome, accumulated blood tissue that will bleed when the sufferer has depression, stress or panic.

Because when the phenomenon of crying blood on Marnie, she was never in a state of stress or depression, as happened in Linnie Ikeda. Doctors can only suggest a strict diet, not to consume milk and sugar while undergoing routine treatment.
Steemit's friends, let's pray together that Marnie Harvey and Linnie Ikeda can be cured. Because until now even this mysterious disease has not found an antidote, especially in the condition of Marnie herself now more than 5 times a day can bleed.


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