The Decline of Steemit.

in #steemit7 years ago

Like most users here, I have to agree that recently Steemit is going downhill. Before you go down to the comments and disgree please hear me out, this post isn't to complain but rather to provide feedback from my personal experiences.

The Decline of Steemit

Everything written here is my personal opinion and I don't mean this personally towards anyone. However, I think if Steemit is to continue and be successful there are some very obvious things that have to be changed.

I've had a break from Steemit recently, or rather a series of short breaks. However, in this time I wasn't checking my feed very often and was quite ignorant to what was happening on the platform. After making the decision to start using the site again though... I can't avoid it. I'm even considering completely giving up on Steemit considering what it seems to have become.

I don't really know much about the dramas that have been happening in Steemit (whether they are true or not), and those are irrelevent to what I want to say anyway.


Steemit is an open platform for free speech and I understand that (my suggestion to combat this comes in the form of better catagorisation), but when I view my feed these days it is filled with pointless things I don't want to look at. Single images without even a title (what am I looking at?), posts simply stating prices of Bitcoin (this is irrelevent instantly and I could have just checked myself if I care.. if I really care I already know), or posts in languages I don't understand (don't get me wrong, Steemit should be for everyone, and having such a mixed community is great... But I think we need filters).

In my feed I can change these things, I can unfollow people or follow people based on what they post. I have no problem with that. But as soon as I step out to the other pages, I find these articles to no end. However, I think there is an easy fix to this problem as I mentioned earlier. I think Steemit should remain as one site, but I think that different languages need catagories, a way to filter them. I am interested in English and sometimes Korean articles, however I come across hundreds of Chinese articles, Russian articles, and every other language. Once again, this is awesome and amazing! But is there no way I can filter these languages so I can only find English?

I love Reddit because I can scroll down the home page and find only content I understand. While lots of it doesn't interest me, I can actually understand it.

I think having these catagories would also help with my other issues, people who only want to post an image with no description could have an area, and we could have a 'crypto news' area. Yes, we have tags, but let's be honest, they aren't very good.

No Progression

Maybe this is just me, but this is an opinion piece anyway. Steemit has no sense of progression. When I created Steemit I made under 10 cents a post usually, and sometimes I would get a successful post that would make $50+. Now? My posts usually get 0-5 cents and sometimes make $5 maximum.

While this may just sound like me complaining, please believe me, I'm not just complaining. I have never begged for followers and my followers were gained from my own work and exposure. Yet even with these 'authentic' followers, I make nothing each post... I get that not everything is money deserving or attetnion deserving, but what annoys me is the lack of progression. If I used to make 1 cent a post and now made 10 cents a post, that's great. But it's not. If anything I've gone downhill. Why should I even stick to this account? Why not create a new one? I haven't gained anything anyway. Followers don't count for anything it seems. I just wish I could have some sense that I am actually getting somewhere... Working towards something.


I think everyone on Steemit has seen enough of this, and I think it is ruining the platform. Sadly where there is money there is greed. Bots spam welcome to people who join (tutorial and helping bots are another case) and spam follows to gain their own followers. And if these aren't bots? They are people who do it thinking they will gain out of it.

The amount of accounts I find with 300+ followers but a level of under 50... Even 40 or 30 is incredible. These people make less than 50 cents a post and just spam posts and comments to gain followers. And sadly Steemit seems full of them now.

While I don't know exactly what can be done to stop this, I'm sure there are some bright ideas out there. It could be server side in the form of anti-spam bots, or something the community does... I don't know, but I do think it needs to be dealt with.

Steemit still is a great platform and there are great people here. But I do think changes are needed.. the platform honestly seems like a mess now. Am I annoyed and complaining a bit? Yes. But I think these problems need fixing, Steemit used to be a platform full of interesting topics and conversations. Now I struggle to even find that content.

Thank you all for reading, and once again, I meant nothing personal in this post. I just hope Steemit can continue to grow and become better.

If you have any comments, input or feedback please let me know down below!


Here are a couple of things I have found helpful - follow between 100 and 200 really interesting posters (and no bloody resteemers)

You are only following 46, and you are not even following me FFS :)

NEVER look at the "new" tab - on Steemit - new = a bunch of shit, always has...

good advice :)

I'll keep that in mind, thanks a lot :) I will see if I can find some more interesting people around and follow them!

Might just chuck you a follow too :P I thought I already had to be honest!

Can't agree more with that! Haha :)

I agree with you. And it seems like nobody wants to vote on anyone else since hf19.

Well, at least this post got you 1 new follower ;) which does equal an upvote this time :P

Yeah, ever since the change people seem a lot less inclined to upvote. I understand why, but it is still frustrating :/

Haha thanks a lot! You just disproved one of my points!

I do not know if we can call this a the decline of Steemit, but I do agree that there is an increase in Spam and everyone is trying hard to fool the system.

I have been here for the last two months, and I do not know how things were earlier.

But one thing is sure, I will be here for a long time and will try my best to make something out of this platform.

I am not sure either honestly. I feel like it is definitely declining right now, though the future is uncertain. I joined a few months back and even in the time I have been here I have noticed a definite increase in the amount of spam and bots. But I did get in before the massive wave of people, so that may be why I feel this way. It might be useful to hear from someone who has been here since the start though!

This is top-notch!

This is truly remarkable.

Thank you for sharing this.

This is sensational.

I can't get enough of this.

Spam posts are fairly numerous, I agree :(

It's definitely sad. The concept and site is great, we just seem something to moderate all this spam and all the bots...

Honestly, I have no idea what would solve it, especially when its considered ok to make multiple accounts, upvote yourself or pay bots to upvote you. Spam may be the least of this sites worries.

I didn't even think about the bots. I have used them myself at times (I don't mind admitting that) and they are definitely questionable....

I understand why people would use them, Iv considered it myself! Its just, it feels a bit strange, paying people to upvote me so I can get noticed and make more money from real upvotes.

And it seems a bit like a never-ending cycle... Pay someone to vote for you, then pay again the next day, next day... Etc. Otherwise each post just seems underwhelming. I hope they get it sorted!

Im not sure how they would sort it :(

Good to read something honest and heartfelt. Life is so full of con artists and it would be so great to find a place with honest people only. I have upvoted and followed you

I really want to love Steemit, but at the moment it is just so hard for me to do that. If only we could all be honest! Oh well, I guess the best we can do is sorround ourselves with people who are honest and kind. Thanks a lot for the support :)

You are welcome @devi1714 - I have followed you

I agree with a lot of what you said here. little despairing on the platform right now. still some hope for the future, just need that time to get the kinks out. Still just over 300,000 users here, so there is lots of room to grow. Getting our first million users here could inspire a huge changing point and much motivation to getting the site working more effectively. It is frustrating not being able to find easily what your looking for.

I definitely agree that there is hope, we just need more people to bring attention to the problems so we can try and get then sorted. I'm not sure what is up with the developers, but I hope they can get on to it. Steemit is great, it just (like anything) sadly has many flaws which are really ruining it for me.

I think catagories would really help Steemit... Or filters. Currently they are pathetic.

Definitely hope though! :)

i've got some more thoughts on Steemit after 2 months being here. Filters would be good but i can live without. Issues i see:

  • Reward pool is not increasing but nr of users are.
  • after hf19 everyone watches its voting power and sparing upvotes mostly for hot or trending post which benefits mostly whales again.
  • with hf20 talks about validity of self voting, investing in Steem Power is pointless.
  • people voting in the feed without even looking at or reading the post. which is purely 'surface-voting'
  • it's about popularity, not quality.
  • Steem being pegged to the dollar thru Steem Dollars is subject to decrease in value with the dollar, would be different if pegged to bitcoin wouldn't it. And to cash earnings on Steemit you have to go thru the Bitcoin and with it's rising price, same amount of Steem gets you less and less Bitcoin.
    Solutions? I dont't see any. Was dreaming to Steemit being my full time job one day, have been disilussioned lately.

Hf19 was supposed to fix a lot of the problems here, but it seems that it just created more. I haven't read about hf20 yet, but it sounds like I should.

Surface voting also does seem to be a big issue, along with people opening the post, scrolling through it and voting. You can tell when someone asks you a question that you clearly answered in your post... So many people don't seem to care about the actual content. But I don't this is just Steemit's problem.

Great read and honestly something that I think alot of people are thinking. I think the developers at will have to get a move on or the site will loose momentum. There is a great community here but it's getting more difficult to connect because of all the static. The Bots are taking over, which is sad for a 'Social' Network.

Definitely have to agree with you on this. The site has potential, but the amount of actual 'interaction' that is happening seems to be decreasing as the population increases.