Steemit Suggestion Box: Re-Steeming — Something We Should REALLY Have Here!

in #steemit6 years ago

I probably don't Re-Steem other people's posts nearly as much as I should.

I am sure this has been brought up 5,983 times before, but I thought I'd bring it up yet once again... in some ways, it's just a small cosmetic thing.

Maple leaf and... orb...

So What IS "it?"

Mrs. Denmarkguy and I are both pretty much "photo nerds" and whereas she's not particularly active on Steemit, she does post a fairly consistent stream of photography.

So I thought I'd give one of hers a re-steem, this morning. And I did... it's in my feed, now.

My point here, though, is that I just wish I could add a few words of original text of my own when I re-steem something.

You can on twitter, when you re-tweet something.
You can on Farcebook, when you "share" someone's post.

I'm not asking to write a freakin' essay when I re-steem someone's post, I just want maybe 500 characters to say something like "Thought this was one of the best gumbo recipes I've ever seen" or "This is a truly amazing political insight" as a small intro to why I chose to re-steem something.

View of Protection Island, evening

I know the powers-that-be don't really care much about the Steemit front end, but adding some very basic usability features shouldn't be rocket science. Should it?

Why I DON'T Re-Steem much...

The reason I am bringing this up is the broader realization that it's an extension of one of my pet peeves: "naked" postings.

I just don't grok the part of social media where people just post a meme, or a photo, or a link, or a video with absolutely NO reasoning as to why it's there. Just an endless stream of content that says nothing more than "I know how to push buttons" to anyone who sees it.

Remember when you were in school? It was called "Show and TELL," not just "Show..."

Maybe I'm just a grumpy old coot, but if you can't be bothered to tell me why you're sharing something, why should I be bothered to look at it? Plain and simple.

Red sky at night

And I recognize there will be people who don't agree. As well as people who have a pathological hatred of typing...

Anyway, dear Steem/Steemit developers, I think we need a little input box so we can add a few words about why we are sharing something. After all, this is a social venue, so let's have some social tools.

Thanks for reading my semi-rant!

What do YOU think? Would you like to be able to share a few words of your own, when you re-steem something? Does that make sense to you, since this is a social venue? Do you use these features on twitter, Facebook, etc.? Would it be a difficult addition to the code/programming to add something like this? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!


(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 181209 11:31 PDT


I think that funding for development has temporarily dried up. I like your suggestions and hope they get developed and implemented during the next upturn.

Frankly, I am (very mildly) hopeful that with Ned laying off 70% of the "home office" that maybe some of the witnesses and hundreds of developers who use this site might be a little more forthcoming in their willingness to create and submit code... it would actually be a step towards real decentralization. As I understand it, the old system was pretty much "eveyone waiting" for Steemit, Inc. to create and release stuff. And yet in offsite discussions, the Steemit devs often would "wish the community would submit some code, rather than wait for us."

Just trying to put a positive spin out there... somehow.

I suppose that if you would add text to the resteem, you would create a content,...then, as the resteemed post continues to earn reward to its author, I suppose that such an implementation would be problematic in this way (hope my words have made sense...LoL..It's very clear in my head in french though... 6impffaua4.png)

I think I understand what you are trying to say. This is why I would propose that the re-steem input be treated like a variation on a post comment.

But it may be more difficult to implement than I understand — I am not a developer.

Here's how resteeming currently works:

One person in my feed will resteem 75 articles by other people so that the entire feed is nothing but resteemed articles.

The fact that they resteem so many articles means that I can't look at anything but those articles, and that there are so many articles that it completely negates the effect of the resteem.

It should work like this:

Here's a fiction piece from my friend blank who I personally vouch for as a great author. I think you should all check it out.

*Resteems ONE SINGLE article.

Maybe one day.

That. Right there.

As it works, right now, I very rarely re-steem anything. If I had the ability to add a few words of explanation, I might re-steem on about a one resteem for every one piece of my own content basis, but it would never be anything I didn't think was worthwhile content.

Absolutely would be great! Never thought of that but makes perfect sense. And I would use it as well to describe why I resteemed something.

I realize some it may simply be because my background is in marketing, and everything is a "pitch" of sorts in this "Attention Economy.* But it just makes sense...

I just wish I could add a few words of original text of my own when I re-steem something.


Thought it myself many times. I don't know what all is involved to make it happen.

Starting to feel like the old days eh? Not entirely bad mind you. Calmer perhaps.

I'm not entirely sure what's entailed, either. In theory, it might be treated as a "hybrid comment;" basically like using the comment input field, but with a link automatically appended.

But I'm not a developer.

I think the option to allow adding some text to a re-steemed post is cool. But only if adding text is not mandatory.

I do resteem when I like a post and I think more people should see it. Even if it is just one amazing photograph.
And I personally don't like when people resteem like there is no tomorrow. I follow someone for his/her content. If I see too much unrelated posts I tend to unfollow unfortunately.

Yeah, I'm not that fond of the "compulsive resteemers" either. It made me quite happy when they did add that "hide resteems" option.

Yep, the option is very cool. Pity it is not available in my feed too :)

I have thought the same, well done for bringing it up :)

It just seems like a logical extension of what we currently have.

It is common sense. Would probably mean more members opening it up and having a read

I know I would be more inclined to re-steem other people's stuff if I could actually give a quick explanation why I am sharing something.

I would be more inclined to read what members resteem :)

Like tumblr!

Kinda sorta, yep... tumblr, twitter, Farcebook and several others.

I resteem articles that I feel are really high quality and I'll often go back and re-read them. I also resteem articles that I feel may be useful for others to see. For instance today I resteemed an article about Welcome Wednesdays as I feel it's a great idea and I'd like to participate. I'll also resteem an article if I feel it may help an author who is sharing original and excellent quality content to gain more exposure.

I was away from Steemit for several months and on my return, was delighted to see the toggle to hide resteems. Makes so much difference when I want to find something in one of my own articles ~ I link back to my previous articles a lot.

And YES ~ I would love to be able to provide just a brief explanation as to why I've resteemed a post. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

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