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RE: Stay on track and bring it hard

in #steemit7 years ago

They are some good thoughts @tarazkp... and, as you might have noticed over the last few days, more and more of the serious content creators and curators are starting to flag/downvote the worst of the spam.

The most significant thing I keep coming back to is "time horizon." I always looked at Steemit as a long-term gig... IN SPITE of a long history of seeing sites like this fail in fairly short order. Inevitably (it seems) we end up at the same place almost every time... what I would call a battle of "short term profiteers" vs. "long term builders."

I look at Steemit, and content, and the community... and think to myself "HOW do we build and nurture this, so we still have a place to publish 3, 5, 10 years from now?"

Experience from other venues tells me quality content, consistent community engagement and an "organic" membership build. You "sell" the site not as a "money maker" but as a publishing platform that happens to reward contributors. You advertise for content creators, not for people looking to make a fast buck.

The long term effect is not only a stronger community that's more engaged... but also something that looks attractive to investors which is a direct benefit to those early-adopter whales who hold HUGE stakes. Trust me, they would rather have $10 Steem in 2020 than 1c Steem in 2020.

Problem is... NOBODY is looking at a long-term plan here. Sure, there's a "Steemit Road Map" but I can't ever get more out of that than it's a bunch of "short term course corrections" without an actual long term destination. Where in the White Paper does it talk about "Steemit 2020?" Where does it talk about "Steemit 2025?" It doesn't.

Don't have any really good answers lined up here... but much of "what we need to do" is outlined in your post.


I think that it is part of the current conditioning of society to not look long-term as it doesn't gel with instant gratification. There are however many that do look well into the future and make active steps towards their goals. Hopefully, a few of them are working towards something greater than where we all currently stand rather than where they stand. We shall see.

If this became a place to support and inspire creators, it would likely get investment from the few, but large big players in the world looking to improve the current mess. These types wouldn't look to constrain rather to open room for content across a wide range of areas.

I really hope this does last though as I both enjoy it and think it will make a positive difference to a lot of lives. A pretty good combination.

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