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RE: If You Can't Beat Them, Beat Them!

in #steemit6 years ago

Like yourself I had have high hopes for Steemit and it's a shame to see it degenerate into a vote bot fest. That said, I think there are still plenty of people here with worthwhile projects and a vision of what Steemit could be, for me to stay a while and give what little support I can.

A community bot would be great. Perhaps one of our community of talented young bucks could take that on that project à la Dtube etc.

I'm glad you've decided not to quit, you would be missed.


Thanks a lot @deirdyweirdy. I know there are plenty of really great men and women out there like yourself who are worth aticking around for which is why Im not turning my back on the place completely but its not as much fun as it used to least for me. Thats my own fault though for letting things affect me so much I suppose.

Its good to hear from you. Im sorry but Im having a little bit of an existential crisis at the moment and havent been on much cos I havent had much to say. Hopefully it will pass soon and I can get back to writing stuff no one wants to this. :)

Hope you are well my friend. I've got plans for a little contest soon you might enjoy. :(

I think as long as people of substance persist, then no matter what they do, no matter what the promotion or trending tags look like, we will always have a deep, caring, inspired community at the heart of this place.
Truth be told, I was dealing with a writer's block so profound I couldn't even think of things to say in comments, let alone write about in a blog. My book was already written, just a matter of breaking it up and posting, otherwise I might have dropped away for the past few months. I figured it had to do with what I recently lost, but I don't think I'm the only one who has been experiencing it so it's more than that. However I woke up this morning and something had changed. As you can see I suddenly have no lack of words, haha!
Whatever your crisis Tony, remember, 'this too shall pass'. That's what got me through so many things. At the core you are solid, and that core will sustain you. You are one of the best people I know. Much love to you my friend. xo

Truth be told, I was dealing with a writer's block so profound I couldn't even think of things to say in comments, let alone write about in a blog.

I know exactly what you mean. I don't really have as much time as I'd like to spend on steemit but when I do find a little, I just can't seem to find the words and I really don't know why. I've got plenty to say I just can't seem to find the words or the motivation to write. I don't think we're the only ones :(

Can we have a chat soon?

Of course we can, whenever you'd like Tony :)

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