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RE: Steemit Retention Rate - a model of how it can be improved - the homesteaders and preppers 'community'?

in #steemit7 years ago

I keep an eye open for all the posts from the homesteaders and preppers on the list but I have noticed some have dropped off the radar of late.

The issue with tracking by Tag is that users can
1 ) use multiple tags (ie prepper, preppers, prepping) - an issue I wrote about
2 ) focus on writing articles for other Tags outside of the expected
3 ) focus on commenting on other people's articles

The only true way to keep track if people were still engaged in a sub-community, like Homesteading, would to track ALL posts for those people identified for that sub-community. And, even with that, you would have to account for people posting on a non-daily basis.

Of course, you would have to require people who want to belong to the sub-community to be added to the list, so that you could see a full list of members per day as well as their activity level on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

It probably would be nice if there was a feature that allowed STEEMians to choose the Top 10 Topic interests. Then you could track people based on their chosen interest.


ABSOLUTELY for number 1 Sometimes I say homestead, homesteading. etc and it's almost as if we need an umbrella phrase (like the #thl) I am still training my fingers to type THL in the tags box

I spend probably 2-3 times longer on reading and commenting on other people's posts than I do writing my own. But... it's a win-win for me. I learn something 90% of the time plus something clicks in my head and I get another idea or topic

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