3.. 2.. 1.. From three steems to 'wan' SPs - a poem, a new start and a declaration 見證過萬一刻steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


Today marks the day when my SP level exceeds 10,000. Normally, people celebrate about it or even do nothing as it is only numbers. I thought about how I should deal with it and decided that I would like to convey a message to the community about how I will stick with Steemit no matter how the future is gonna unfold. Don't wanna go lengthy about it so I will try to express it in a poem style and a few words later to explain.

3 ... 2 ... 1 ...
From Three Steems to 'Wan' SPs and to the unknown future

Three is the number of Steems I was given when registered on July 14
From then to now it has been one hell of a 4-month ride that I cannot express fully in even a hundred posts
"Wan" is the number of SPs this account has just achieved, witnessing this surreal journey in the digital world
From three to wan I has transformed from an accidental passer-by into a new citizen of the crypo-universe
From three to wan this amazing place evolves from the platform to their platform and from today on to our platform
I was a blogger that has not blogged enough
I was a talker but I has not shared enough
I was an investor that has poured in my passion and pin money
I was a learner that learnt the fact that there is still so much to learn
I was a dreamer that for the first time experienced the phrase - only imagination is the limitation
These do not matter anymore
From today on it is a brand new start to me again and I will just describe myself to be a ... Steemian
I am not here to speculate
I am here to see spectacular
I am not here to invest
I am here to get involved
I am not here to mock
I am here to make 
I hereby solemnly declare that this @deanliu account will always hold above 10,000 SPs
Forever until the blockchain of Steem shall ever cease to exist

Phew~~~ Did I get too serious!? :-)  Relax... I am serious but it is really no big deal if you truly believe in it. So, just another day to Steemit and just another post to boost my SPs ... Have a nice day! 

Oh, by the way, 'Wan' (萬) means the number of 10,000 in Chinese. And in the following I am gonna talk to my dear cn community in Chinese. 

Sincerely yours, 






遙想當年(其實只有4個月),從意外偶然的註冊擁有3顆Steem開始,嘗試性的亂寫,有目的的亂寫,高興的、傷心的、文青的、分享的、無聊的各種書寫,寫到了今天還不停;100、200、1000顆Steem的投機與投資,虧損到了今天罵不完;一個、兩個到許多個的新舊朋友們,在全球各地,但尋人啟事發不完... 真的要說的話,故事說不完,就先不說了。

無論如何,跌跌撞撞,總算來到「萬」點大關。cn區上萬的朋友也不算少,但是一路半寫半投資上來的,我大概算第一個吧(好幾位是直接投資上萬的;甜心應該沒有投資,很快破萬,傑出寫手代表;下一 個看好大西瓜上萬囉!)。新的大叉子要來了,要上看10萬幾乎對於一般人(包括我)是不可能,所以,未來朋友努力目標,可能就是以百、千、萬,為階段性目標了。有幸現在先到達萬點,雖然市值,嘿嘿 ... ,但是畢竟「萬」字在中文裡還是有豐碩的意涵,就做了這一個決定(所以超過萬部份我還是會power down的),希望可以 ...




[ This is a 100% Power Up Post ] 


Wow. Congratulations

thanks! waiting for you to come here soon!

Congrats bro! Haven't chatted with you for a while. It's great to see you posting a lot more these days. Always enjoy reading your little stories and interesting posts. Keep up the great work mate. Look forward to you picking up my family in your private jet one day as you promised. :P

Thanks Jimmy! Likewise... so when is your next witness interview? it has been 12 days since last one... :)
No problem! Jet ride for castle lodge - that's a deal. Although it sounds really un-environmental ... ha like it's gonna happen ... :P




比你买的早,漂过,成本比你买的高得多,我站在高高的山顶上陪你 :)

也高沒太多... :-)
坐在山頂上,吃著西瓜,笑看小魚向上游,天塌下來有大神頂著 ...

如果这篇文章提到的改革成功,未来会有希望, 至少有人看到存在的问题,向前走,但也希望这些大户不要这么疯狂的割菜

Congratulations! Well done. Just curious, would you have also celebrate at 8888?

Thank you and no I did not. 8 means getting rich in Chinese so celebrating 8888 is kind of too 'money' oriented ... IMO. :)

I just did my 10000 Steem Power post too!

Big congratulations @deanliu!!

(when can I get my first free pepper!?)

Good times for steemit and good times for us!!!!

You want your 万。I want my 万。:-)


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cool picture boost!

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