Why the World Needs EncryptoTel + Investment Opportunity (ICO) - PART 2

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

All too often we have seen in the media instances of people, mainly celebrities, having had their phones tapped, unknowingly to them, either illegally or by the state. This is just instances we know of, the scale of this problem is far greater than just a few celebrities though, we are all at risk of falling victim to this, and most probably, completely unknowingly.

ICO Website: http://ico.encryptotel.com/

We have found ourselves living in a surveillance state, an Orwellian nightmare, where nothing we say is private, where we are always of the assumption that everything we say is being monitored by our government in the interests of ‘National Security’.

I agree that certain measures need to be taken, but being in a state of constantly being aware that our conversations are being observed and monitored by super computers, listening in and storing our conversations in an ever-growing amount of data centres being built to store it all, is a growing trend and very concerning.

Currently, we have no tools to help defeat this invasion of our privacy.

Encryptotel aim to solve this issue by utilising Blockchain technology and the use of encryption blockchain technology brings.

Blockchain technology is beginning to disrupt many industries. I believe we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg right now.

EncryptoTel is the first attempt to use blockchain technology to solve the privacy issues we all currently face when using telecommunication devices.

The world needs a solution to this surveillance problem we all face and EncryptoTel, right now, could be the answer to our prayers.

Apps such as Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, line etc. are commonplace. Today, we all use one of these services due to the low cost and convenience they bring. The internet has been good to us in helping us all save money when making calls to our friends and our loved ones, and using apps across multiple devices has re-invented how we all communicate with one-another.

We’re getting there, but we’re not there quite yet.

The internet has brought us technology we could have only dreamed of 10-15 years ago. But now is the time we need to progress.

Privacy is a very big issue today and we all deserve a service where we can freely talk to each other without the overriding thought that Big Brother is watching, or listening to us!

Having a service that is 100% encrypted and private is something we all deserve. We are all too willing to give up our privacy in the name of security, but thankfully, technology is giving EncryptoTel the tools in which to use to combat such atrocities.

If we are not willing to stand up to The Powers That Be, or I should say, that we are helpless in doing so, I welcome the technology that enables us to do so.

We are a bunny in a pot, boiling slowly, and we don’t realise we’re almost cooked!

We are in a state of acceptance and cannot see the wood through the trees, for too long we have been subject to an ever-growing surveillance state that believes that we should just accept that our privacy is no longer private, and due to what available to us, we hadn’t really had a choice, until now.

With the birth of Blockchain Technology and the abilities it brings to the table with the use of its secure structure and encryption capabilities, The EncryptoTel Project has the ability to change how we communicate for the better.

There will come a time when we will look back at how things work today and think to ourselves, ‘how on earth did we let them get away with it for so long!? Thank Goodness for EncryptoTel’.

This is one ICO that has grabbed my attention from the outset. I hope that I have managed to convey of how much of a big deal this could be.

As far as an investment, it could bring very profitable returns, especially as the number of tokens will be fixed once the ICO has hit its target of $3 Million.

To find out more about the EncrptoTel Project and how you can take part in the ICO, you can find all the details at the link below;

ICO Website: http://ico.encryptotel.com/

Bitcointalk Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1848180.0


Highly Anticipated EncryptoTel ICO – Launching 25 April 2017 – Changing Communications for the Better


How EncryptoTel will Work & Who it is For – The Nuts & Bolts & Services Offered (ICO)


EncryptoTel ICO as an Investment – Should you Invest - Conclusion



interesting project, good luck

Thanks for taking the time to read the article.

Yes, its a vetry interesting project. I believe the project will bring to fruition, better security to us all.