This tweet has aged beautifully.

in #steemit6 years ago

Hahahahaha, oh man. I can't even look at this with a straight face. I really can't help but laugh my ass off looking at this. For those who don't know, Jack is the co founder of Twitter. I find it absolutely hilarious looking back on this tweet from him from just a few years ago. If you're wondering why, it's because there are insane amounts of favoritism and censorship that happen on Twitter daily. Yet they let it all slide to fit their own agendas. I've seen people lose their account several times just for making a joke or having a different opinion from other users. It's quite sad, really. One thing that I definitely love with Steemit over other platforms is that you can't get your account suspended here for silly shit. Just figured I'd share it here for some other people to get a nice laugh. 


I never had twitter account but youtube sucks for freedom of speech too

Oh, yeah. Youtube has been a sinking ship for awhile now. I've seen plenty of creators get their content demonetized or removed just because youtube doesn't like what they're saying or agree with it.

yeah my youtube channel got demonitized so i abandoned it, Steemit you can get downvoted but there is no big brother telling you what you can say

Yeah, I don't know about that Jack.
I don't know about facebook either, or youtube, or instagram...
I think blockchain is going to revolutionize the way we communicate [digitally]... in the sense that we will be able to create an environment based on a set of rules that is trusted and everyone agrees upon. Lemon Baird Founder of Hashgraph goes in depth about creating shared worlds on the internet in one of his videos online... not sure where it's at.. but I love how he presented his thesis.

In my eyes, any social media that is not on the blockchain is either going to adopt it or fall behind very soon. I mean, look at facebook and the recent hearing at congress, it's just not working out. And I think it's because facebook is centralized and not decentralized. Facebook is like an online world/country where Zuckerberg is the president of the facebook government. And not everyone is meant to be in the same government! lol, it just causes a lot more issues than solutions having a centralized-digital-social environment. I think that taking the digital-social environment to a point where it is DE-centralized is going to smooth out some issues and create for a much cleaner experience.

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