New Year New Profile Photo. Why? Because I gave myself PERMISSION. New Year Motivation

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Yep! That's right friends-- 2018 is the year of giving myself permission.

I experimented with the highly addictive drug of giving yourself permission here and there over the past 2 or 3 years, but I have to say, now I'm a complete junkie.

Here's to posting what makes you happy.
Here's to expressing yourself the way YOU want instead of the way others expect.
Here's to leaning in to what makes you weird, and strange, and maybe even bad at math.
Here's to freeing yourself from distructive and negative thoughts that don't serve you.
Here's to listening to your gut and to telling "second-guessing" to sit the F*&K DOWN.

Are we really doing this life thing or what? The clock is ticking friends, and I plan to squeeze every last drop out of every lemon life throws my way.

Are you with me?

CC092B3D-657E-4607-A9D0-F7DAF6AFBCE0 2.JPG

<3 Dayleeo

Aw damnit, I guess I need a new footer banner now too huh?


Simply amazing... Pretty and beautiful photo. Nice explanation, May the universe bless you in surprising and joyful ways. Happy New Year @dayleeo

What lovely words! Thank you for them and Happy New Year to you too @oliviajasmine!

btw i love what your bio says btw!- I fully believe that anxiety is just imagination gone wrong ;)

I love this!!! Search your soul and do what you TRULY love :) - this will pave the way to so much more joy in life!

YES! Do what you love but also BE a person you can fall in love with! ;) Step by step my dear- thank you for your awesome & thoughtful comment @polebird! <3

Everything of your post is awesome! Thanks for sharing! kisses <3 keep going!

Thanks for the encouragement @vivianka!

access. it's starting to become about access. access to the life we deserve to leave a very permanent imprint on before we leave this cosmic plain ;)

Access is right, but you have to allow yourself to access the accessible right? Sometimes I feel like we have the additude of searching under the dinner table for scraps when there's a seat labled with our name on it!

i think maybe because we both spent too much time in the scraps department it's hard to believe another place exists maybe.

I agree. Time to start changing that mindset <3

Welcome to the new year and the new @dayleeo!

It's good to be here! <3 Thanks @cecicastor!

Yes, giving yourself permission is such a simple thing but changes everything. To not need the approval of others since you already gave it to yourself. Nice pic.

I am indeed with you and lemon drops it is! I always say make lemonade with life's lemons, it's better than just complaining about getting lemons, make something of them. I am saying yes to the eternal YES this year as well! Hail steemit and hurrah positive goals.

YAY! "the ETERNAL YES" I love that. Good for you yes to all lifes ups and downs! <3 Nothing you cant handle ;)

you look wonderful you have a so sweet eyes

Thank you!

Yes definitely, here's to posting what makes you happy! Couldn't agree more.

what its all about! <3

Aahhhh I gotta new profile pic too :P
I am sharing the same vibe and girl, those eyes!

Haha no way! What timing! Love your photo tho 😍

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