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RE: 100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 12 - Have You Got Ideas That Will Fly?

in #steemit4 years ago

Continue to ask for feedback (both good and bad). Learn from the constructive answers and improve the user experience. Fix the voting system that requires more than 1000 SP to even register a vote. Lower the cooldown time frame so people are free to come and go. Continue to punish abusers of the system, that's the biggest thing the old management failed to do and it cost them with new users dearly.

I personally would love to see Steem take off and become what it could be. I saw many great people that came through the system that got disenfranchised by the way they were treated by the power at the top. I'm giving you guys a chance and hopefully you figure it out!!! :)


Thank you for these comments Dave.

All these points are being looked at - but they may not be quick fixes, and will likely need a hard fork to change.

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