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RE: One SImple Rule Change To Put The Power Where It Belongs, The Users Of The SP

in #steemit6 years ago

Yes you understood it correctly... They get their cake (money from leasing out their SP) and they also get to eat it too (they get to choose who is in power by voting for the witnesses).

when someone delegates their SP, they still get to vote for witnesses at the full weight of their SP, even though they no longer can use the full weight of their SP to curate? YES

So, they're not actively participating on Steemit, but they're reaping the rewards of delegation and still full weight witness voting. YES

lol on the point about people commenting... The bigger they are, the less likely they will be to comment on this. Yes the ones that have some intestinal fortitude will upvote like the ones you see (I count 3 witnesses), but most will just ignore. The majority doesn't want the gravy train to stop (even if they know the train is bound to derail by pushing it so hard when the engine needs fixed).

And lol on me finding another issue to focus on, you are usually far ahead of me on what is going on! I'm honored to beat you to the punch on this one :P


Bound to happen, but now that you're "speaking to witnesses" it's bound to happen more:. :) Witness whisperer? Is that a thing?

There just aren't any tangible consequences for anyone with high SP doing anything here. Zero. Nada. Zilcho. Other than their own sumo wrestling matches. I don't know how I'm ever going to get that much SP (sell my house maybe and buy STEEM when it dips back below $1?), but man. I know there's a need to protect the investment. I get that. I'd want that, too. But wow. I'm shaking my head.

I think it is impossible for me and you to get that much steem unless the price drops back to where it sat a year ago ($0.16)... Even then I don't suggest you sell your house, because just like the saying says "you can't eat gold", if you did that "you can't sleep in steem". I know you have a large family (we discussed that a few weeks back), but somehow I don't think you would want to be the roving grandpa.

And I believe you get my point:

There just aren't any tangible consequences for anyone with high SP doing anything here. Zero. Nada. Zilcho.

To that I will say that when something is too easy, then people should be afraid. Since consequences don't seem to be coming incrementally, the bottom line could be a massive exit all at one time. Which from my personal perspective is not a bad thing. But I would feel horrible for the few large guys I know that would be really hurting.

And that's funny about witness whisperer... That would be great if it ever happened, but like you said the guys with the SP are busy at the sumo wrestling matches and have no idea we even exist!

Well, no worries. My wife would never permit it. Especially if STEEM tanked like that.

Large family is relative. We have two sons, two daughter-in-laws and one granddaughter. Only the youngest, his wife and baby currently live with us. I'd like to have had more kids and thus more chances to be a grandpa, but that wasn't to be.

I'm getting to the point where I feel like there needs to be someway to co-exist, where everyone gets their needs met, at least to a reasonable degree. I don't know what that is. I don't know if it's possible. It may very well not be. However, people keep wanting others to stop doing this or quit doing that for the sake of the community and the platform and its not been enough. So, somehow, there needs to be some kind of incentive. Why can't there be something like that, instead of only a stacked deck on one hand and one card in the other? :)

lol... I'm glad your wife would keep you from going full whale!

I agree with you point about finding a "solution" to solve the problems and then everyone could live in harmony. I actually spend quite a bit of time trying to analyze this exact topic. Unfortunately (for some) I think the developers built a system where it paid handsomely to be early, and the only way to dislodge them would be a complete breakdown in price.

I say unfortunately for some because many would hate to see the price back in the $0.16 range. And frankly I feel bad for many of them (and not at all bad for most of them). That would be what I call a "reset" and it happens all the time in other markets. Once a reset happened, then we would have "new" whales emerge and those whales hopefully learned from the mistakes of Version 1.

I think we have come in at an interesting time, we came right at the beginning of the "bubble phase" of bitcoin... That's why the price shot from $0.16 up to $12 sbds and $8 steem.... Everyone thought wow this is great. For many weeks and months the price barely moved, then all the sudden you had a multi-thousand % move and it all the sudden seemed easy.

I hope all this discussion and dialogue help to "get through" to the people that matter. Many have figured out that their could be improvements, now if the people in charge take the time to listen, then maybe the price won't need to reset.

I hope I don't make this sound negative though... I am still very positive that the system will correct itself one way or another... I'm doing my best to point out what I see as solutions, but the bottom line is I am still super small and not relevant at all to most people.

Actually, you've been sounding anything but negative. I've seen negative on posts on Steemit, and this is far from it. It usually consists of a lot of swearing, name calling and repeated references to how useless and doomed STEEM and Steemit is. They all have issues, but few of them actually offer solutions or any hope, so it makes me wonder:

a) why are they still here—misery loves company?

b) who raised them—a drunken sailor?

c) if they know the problems, why don't they fix them—because they don't want to, or they can't, or they don't really care?

So, no. It's actually nice to see a grown up talk about grown up things in grown up ways. When I run into these tirades, I wonder if this is how they solve their issues in real life? Since most of them are anonymous, I just imagine males somewhere between the ages of 15-35, down in the basement of their parents house, flaming each other. It's kind of humorous, but sad, too. They can't really be the ones with such influence here, can they?

I hold your same hope, that somehow, someway, someone will make what they consider to be a sacrifice (which will end up being a bounty instead), and the first mighty domino will fall and it will sweep out and one by one things will change. I'd much rather it be from us then something forced on us, like a bottoming out of STEEM or another code change.

I really don't know the folks you're referring to that you would hate to see affected by such a thing, so I don't know if I should feel sorry for them or not.

I choose B... lol

Very good points Glen! I'm glad I don't sound negative to you because I'm not... I actually find this very fascinating and I am encouraged very much by whichever way it plays out. Personally I would be better if it tanks back to $0.16 so then I could sink some of my fiat in. But as I said earlier, there are some I would feel bad for if it ever fell that low.

The good thing is that I don't get to "determine" what happens, I just get to react to what does happen. So I keep my eyes open and I will see just which way this goes.

I hope you have a good rest of your weekend Glen, and congrats for setting the modern day record in Asher's League of Excellence!

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