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RE: Steemit: The Anti-Social Network

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

1. No, I'm not implying you don't care. I was commenting on me being upset because "I do care". That has nothing to do with your motivations. So you are the one that "inferred" something from my comment that wasn't true at all.

2. I'm not looking for a fight. Believe me, this is fast becoming a waste of my time and I'm regretting to some degree my involvement. That isn't an issue for you, I'm just explaining that I didn't wake up today and decide to fight you.

3. The point about me removing my witness vote has nothing to do with you seeing things my way. In fact I have disagreements will almost all my friends that are witnesses about this issue. So hell yes I respect people a lot that stand up for what they believe in (whether I agree or not).

The reason that I removed my vote for you (and why its sad that you don't "get the point"), is that you jumped to the conclusion "complainer bad" and didn't even consider that I might have a point. I literally pointed out something that was absolutely true. And while the information was nuanced and there are different types of Steem new accounts now, you immediately assumed I was complaining because I couldn't get something for free. For the record my account has 500 SP in it. I have never taken out a penny from Steem. I am not complaining because "I can't do anything", I am pointing out that many others will not be able to do so. That doesn't make me cheap, in fact its the opposite. I spent $10 in an attempt to find what new users were going through. If you (as a witness) took the time to see the same, then I think this place would be better for sure.

4. As for how the Steem blockchain has always operated, I can tell you that I have been here since Dec of 2017. Other than a brief issue with bandwidth at the beginning, I have not experienced any problems (or encountered any from newbies) regarding the ability to make comments.

What I am disgusted about (if you would like to listen), is the fact that Steemit is "possibly" making people pay to speak via commenting. That is the crux of my issue. They could adjust the formula to give people at the bottom more voice, but instead they have determined its ok to keep them silent. Even now with the "correct information" a new user gets an allocation of 10 comments a day. If it is noticeable, then its too restrictive. I am ok with stopping people from posting x amount of times, but to stop them from speaking their mind when they see something to comment on, seems rather restrictive and totalitarian to me. It doesn't really matter what I think though on the big scale of things. I'm just an ignorant guy, right :P (and that was tongue in cheek too) ;)

5. As to whether this succeeds or fails, we will see together. I hope you are right for my friends with lots of money invested. As for me, I will go back to calming down for a bit.

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