
No doubt about that. No one has an issue with interesting content posted by a woman- we need more if it! The problem is that "interesting content" is all too often nothing but a picture of a fine donk.

The problem, however, is not the women posting things that pornhub does better. The problem is us- the people that upvote it. If we as a community reject tits in favor of philosophy, we have a much more valuable organization. I'd also be very impressed.

I agree completely :-)

I do agree a lot of it is jealousy, I just think if Steemit is trying to be the next big thing after youtube (right?) how many successful female you tubers don't use this to their advantage also?
Secondly, I also agree- if the post is awful quality and completely generic it shouldn't be upvoted- but the few that do this shouldn't be able to ruin it for those who do make quality posts and also use things to their advantage such as their faces. I mean, if males all wearing a certain t-shirt suddenly made all of them gain a lot of up votes, near on every single male would jump on the band wagon- quality or not. I suppose its just the way of the world! Thanks for the comment :-)

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