Steemit Win Again - Heres How

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I recently did a query on the steemit block chain and the query was about the most valuable categories, in terms of steam payout. I was shocked to find the following:

  1. life,
  2. photography,
  3. bitcoin,
  4. steemit,
  5. travel

So Life seems to be category with the highest payout. I can definitely understand Bitcoin and Steemit, but Photography and Travel. Very interesting. So I took the liberty of looking at articles with the life tag and some accounts are gaming the systems, given the articles are tagged to life but are not relevant.

So I guess if you want to make money then post under these categories, but for me I like to write a post and put it in the relevant area. So next time you vote make sure the tags are relevant. Let's get to the juicy stuff.

How much potential does Steem have. Well its the only cryptocurrency that has an instantaneous use. You can pay for articles you like, no other crypto was usefully until it integrated into a payment system or shop or some sort of store. Let's think about that, form day 1 you can pay for stuff that is created by people around you.

So the illustration below shows the market cap of Bitcoin, which is at 30 billion and Steem has a 207 million market cap... MMM image if Steem was at Bitcoins market cap, then its value would be 150 times more.. So the price of a Stem would be about 100 dollars. Also, the account creation per day on steamit is between 2k to 4k a day. Wow in 30 days we have about 60k of new account on the steem blockchain.

So where is the price heading, if we look at the last price boom, before 2017, it peaked at about 4 dollars in 2016 July. and that was from low of .20 dollars. So we are in the similar predicament, but we are starting to see a lot of new startup in the Steem space, such as Zappl, a twitter that is non censored and you can paid on.

So with all this action and future projects that could benefit a generation of censorship free news and articles that are not swayed by sponsorship I am very excited. Also, people in positions of difficulty, such as being accused of legal aspects could post on here and you could get their side of things with no editing or modification done.

So if you look at Steem from a perspective it adds articles to a society that censors and stops the truth from being exposed, this is bigger then Wikileaks and a system you just can't attack. You can go after the people, but how do you stop the many. So if you have some spare change and think about investing in a cheap crypto Steem is the way to go in terms of market cap and price. Its only a matter of time before we see prices that are ridiculous and we all say wish I had bought. Look at Litecoin was a few sense now 25 dollars.

Thanks for Reading.


I completely agree, you nailed it on payment/shop integration being needed.

right on brother.

Definitely giving you a follow, enjoying the content for sure.

thanks mk40.. is that a secret spy lol

Thank you for your post. I just signed up yesterday and am trying very hard to grasp all of the moving parts to this system. Your post has helped me get a better understandng of how important proper tags are.

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