Steem VS Hopecoin, Lets Pitch Them Both To Investors And See Which Wins

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

What would happen if Steem was pitched against another altcoin to investors that want to get into the cryptocurrency? Well this post is my view of how it all would go down ;) So the two cryptocurrencies the investors can choose between is Steem and Hopecoin (a fictional coin that represents a general altcoin). The investors are carrying big bags of money and they will shoot questions at the representatives, from each side, to find out where they will place this money. So the questioning begins..


  1. Mr. Investor; “We believe that if you sell something that you believe in you should be invested in it yourself. How are you invested in your respective project?”
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    Mr. Hopecoin Representative; “Well, I have gotten tokens from the company as payment to represent it and promote it. I haven’t physically gotten the coins yet as the wallet is still under construction and will soon be available to download at A freelancer is making the wallet so it is taking some time but when it is finished my money will be transferred there. So I am accepting payment in Hopecoin as I believe it is a good investment for the future.”
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    Mr. Steem Representative: “What originally caught my attention of Steem was Steemit. It is a platform, built on the steem blockchain, that is competing with other social media by paying their users. Ever since I started using Steemit I stopped using both Reddit and Facebook. As a content creator that creates value for a social media it is only fair to get a piece of the pie, that’s why steemit captured my attention right away, and ever since I started using Steemit I have been investing whatever extra money I have to grow my steempower and thus increase my stake in Steem. This I would definitely consider to be “putting some skin in the game” because it would take up to two years to get this steem power paid back by powering down, so as you can imagine I see this as a good longterm investment.”
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  2. Mr. Investor: “What makes the technology of your cryptocurrency unique?”
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    Mr. Hopecoin Representative; “Well, firstly Hopecoin is built on the blockchain technology and as we all know that is the future. Historically, transactions were owned by a single source and only shared to trusted third parties, but thanks to the blockchain this has been decentralized as it distributes a record of transactions to internet-enabled devices running blockchain software. Trust is therefore created by validating blocks of data as it relates to the previous block across multiple devices. Trust me this is the future and a lot of pople have great Hope in this coin, and they think it will be one of the top altcoins that people will choose to use”
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    Mr. Steem Representative: "Obviously Steem is built on the blockchain technology, otherwise we wouldn’t have this investment meeting. Blockchain is revolutionary, but basing the value solely on this technology is like adding .com after your company name, like what happened back during the IT bubble. There has to be a function and value of the coin that you distribute, it is by figuring out how to use the blockchain to solve a problem and/or improve a market that we create value.
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    There are already many altcoins which have the block chain technology and that can transfer the currency from one place to another. Steem is something different all together.
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    Firstly steem does not have any fees from its transactions; it is completely free of charge.
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    Steem blockchain processes transactions faster than Ethereum and Bitcoin combined
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    It is the cryptocurrency with the most transactions during one day, it is already adopted by a lot of people that are using it daily.
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    Steemit was built by Dan Larimer , a genious so smart he makes smart people feel stupid.
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    A lot of other coins are using graphic cards to mine and this is using up a lot of electricity and creating a huger carbon footprint each year. In 2020 it is calculated that the total Bitcoin mining electricity consumption will be on the same level as the entire country of Denmark . Steem does not burn graphic cards and waste energy to create new coins.
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    Steem is different as it is mined through participation. It is the work of everyone, that creates value in the new coins that are made. This allows everyone to mine steem and in the process it creates good interaction which strengthens the platform and this cryptocurrency.
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    Steem is allowing for mass adoption, it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, a woman or a man, as long as you have a digital device you can, for free, join and start using this cryptocurrency.
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    Steemit has been built on the steem blockchain and since you get paid on this platform, for both posting AND curating, it will channel most current reddit and facebook users here and thus create a much higher demand for Steem which will drive up the prices.
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    Steemit is actually just a apart of it all because the proof of brain structure can be applied to much more and there has already been created something called D-tube which is a competitor to youtube, and then you have zappl which is soon being released which is a competitor to Twitter.
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    Just recently the launch of SMT was made available for anyone who wants to use it. This essentially allows for steem to function in a similar way like ethereum and allow for ICOs made on the steem network. This will make the steem demand skyrocket within a very near future as everyone will realize the power in using Proof-of-Brain algorithm and all companies will jump on this train to create more and better communication with their customers sonto incentivize them to keep using their service and goods. Essentially by sharing a piece of the pie you end up getting a bigger and bigger pie.
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    Besides steem dollar and steem power steemit also has steem dollars. The value of the steem dollar is very stable and relatively closely follows that of the USD. Therefore many feel it is a secure investment. Also as mentioned before if you want to do well on steemit for example you have to lock up some steem power, which takes around 2 years to get back, and this is definitely putting skin in the game and it makes sure that all particiapants want the platform to succeed.
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    If you figure out what people want and give it to them you can get anything in return. Well Steem has figured out what people want. They want some credit for their work, and never has there been any social network with such loyal participation. Steem is revolutionary and its here for everyone who wants to join and help out .
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    Mr. Investor: “alright, well we actually had around 20 more questions lined up, but I don’t see the point really. You had us at “free” and “mass adoption”. We are all in on Steem and Steemit"


so nice post i like it

What an awesome write up @dandesign86! I'm right there with you about how special this Steem platform is.

Thanks a lot Karen :) I am so Happy to have people like you to share this awesome experience with :)

Leaving you a DM on hang on!

What’s there?

A way for us to chat... please log in and find me there...

I see you're there... I left you a message. When you get a chance, reply so I know you got it.

Just noticed you're not there. Are you on discord?

i dont use discord or steemchat but Damira will teach me how to use it hehe

This made my day! I was feeling a little low because none of the coins seem to be doing well today, at least none that I hold except for Bitcoin. I am confident that with a little patience we are all going to do really well with Steem, but I'm having a hard time understanding why the smart investors out there have not noticed the big differences between Steem and any other cryptos.

I'm wondering if there will be one day in the near future that some big moneybags does notice and jump on the band wagon with a huge amount of money, and in doing so drags a lot of other moneybag investors with him/her. How would I react if I woke up one morning and shuffled to my computer with a steaming hot cup of coffee in hand and find out that the price of Steem had shot up 1000% during the night? I'm thinking that I would probably have coffee stains on my ceiling and carpet 😯

What an awesome answer ! Ans funny one at that haha . I hope you do end up with stains on both ceiling, wall and carpet, because I think that Steem will take off some day, and it's not too far away.

Steemit has had a bumpy ride and with a different leadership it could have been sky high at this point. I for one am happy this is not the case as I still have time to load up on some Steem.

Hold your cup tightly my friend and Lets enjoy this ride :)

Original interpretation, this post deserves $ 1000.

Thanks buddy I really appreciate it :)

A brilliant write up and it all makes so much sense the investor. Really has an easy choose and lets hope it come to pass

Have a great day

Yea man let's hope some more big fish will join and help push up the price !

Yes that would for sure be great , we can but hope :)

This wonderful post has received a bellyrub 8.95 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to this cool cat: @dandesign86. My pops @zeartul is one of your top steemit witness, if you like my bellyrubs please go vote for him, if you love what he is doing vote for this comment as well.

This post has received a 3.65 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @dandesign86.

Awesome post @dandesign86, great idea to make this comparison. Sorry, I upvote you before with the wrong account and have to remove the vote as it is reserved for Thai language. Sorry again, it is my fault navigating from one account to another one.

No worries! I am glad you liked it my friend :) What plans do you have for the weekend ? If i was in thailand i would go snorkeling right now, i love to do that!

Nothing special right now for the weekend but I prepare my trip to Hong Kong end of next week. HK is a place i really love too.

Hong Kong is really cool ! its only one place like that on earth. Everything is so cozy and convenient there. i usually go once a year for a trade fair. ar eyou going for work or pleasure or both ? hehe

Yes, there is only one place like HK in the world. I go for both, and I really go very often there, last year I have been there 11 times and Macao as well. The first time I have been to HK was in 91 it was English at that time.

Wow! You must have seen a lot of changes since then ! That's a lot of times a year :) you are very lucky to be able to go so often :)

I've seen a lot of change for sure and I really love both HK and Macao but miss the old days when HK was more of the image of the walled city of HK and when Aberdeen still has the real floating city.

That's brilliant:) I have to re-read it a few times!

Thanks man :) I really find the contrast between the technology of Steem/Steemit and other cryptocurrency to be huge, and I thought this could be a fun way to show that

The contrast is huge indeed! But we don't see it all the times, because we read and write about it in a serious way; a funny yet very comprehensive story like yours is a very good way of reminding and explaining the whole system.
Actually this post should be seen, upvoted and resteemed by all whales as it is the best advertisment for steemit!

Thanks man, I was hoping the story would get more traction but the people who read it seem to like it so I am happy. It's not easy to get the exposure to whales I guess .. But if we keep up the good work then I am sure in the long run it will pay off :)

Unfortunately it isn't. But especially posts like this one would benefit them a lot... I am sure, that your highly quality posts will pay off :)

Thanks man I sure hope so too :)

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