How to withdraw Steem from the updated exchange to your Steemit Wallet

in #steemit6 years ago

Bittrex updated their exchange at the end of February, this year. There’s a couple of new words on the withdrawal page that confused me, it no longer says Memo or Account - The new withdrawal page looks like this:


How To Withdraw Steem from the updated exchange to your Steemit Wallet

The last time I did a withdrawal from Bittrex, the page looked like this:


The old version said “Memo” and “Registered Acct.” Simple - Copy and paste your Memo Key into the Memo line, your steemit-username (without the “@“ symbol) into the Registered Acct line, click withdrawal and depending on whether or not you have 2-factor authentication (2FA), funds were sent. Now, for some reason, it says “Tag” and “Address.” I searched online for some instructions so I wouldn’t make any mistakes but I couldn’t find anything. Which line does the Memo Key go in, the Tag line or the Address line? So for those of you who need help, like I did, or maybe you’re new to Bittrex and/or Steemit, this is the step by step process required to safely withdraw your funds from Bittrex to Steemit:

First you need your Memo Key:
Click on your Icon on the top right corner of your homepage.
Click Wallet.
Click Permissions.
Scroll down to the Key titled “Memo.” Copy that long string of characters. That’s your “Memo Key.”

Now sign into Bittrex:
Email, Password, 2-Factor Authentication. If you do not have 2FA, consider adding it to your account, it’s an added layer of protection. Now you’re signed into your account.
Click Wallets - Top right section of the screen.
If you don’t see your Steem Wallet on the front page, you can use the search window on the right. Just type in “Steem.”
To the left of your Steem Wallet there’s a Red (withdraw) Arrow and a Green (deposit) Arrow.
Click the Red Arrow.
You’ll be directed to this screen:


At the top of the page, under Withdrawal Amount, it says Quantity - Enter the quantity you want to withdrawal in the box to the right:


Paste your Memo Key (that long string of characters you copied from into the Tag Line. Reading the last 2 characters on the left and the last 2 on the right isn’t a bad idea, ‘something’ to assure yourself you’re sending to the proper location. Don’t just trust the paste button.

Type the steemit-username associated with the Memo Key, without the “@“ symbol, into the Address line as illustrated:


Verify everything you’ve typed, copied or pasted is accurate. Click Withdraw STEEM and if you have 2-factor authentication, a new page will open requesting you to input the number. Type it in and click Withdraw.

That’s it! You can go back to your account now and click your icon again on the top right. Click Wallet. Scroll down to History and you’ll see your deposit. Withdrawal complete, you just initiated and completed your transaction safely.



Thank you @dandays!

I was struggling with this for a few hours. The @jlsplatts pointed me in the direction of your post.

Problem solved 👍

It seems I was using the correct info, just putting it in the boxes the wrong way round... I assumed the Tag would be my username.

Duh! Who'd of thought that the username would be the address. Lol

That’s great to hear, I’m glad brother @jsplatts remembered where he saw it. 👍🏿. My sentiments exactly, username and address is the same how??

Well after all that, it seems that my votes are still worth less than a bag fresh air anyway!

Still, on the up side, you've gained a follower 👍(that way I can upvote your posts with more worthless votes 😎)

Laugh out loud, that was funny. I’m glad you were able to transfer for invisible fortune. I’m sure it’s worth more than you think. 👍🏿

I appreciate the follow @sivehead, here’s to hoping I can keep your attention. :cheers: (those glasses cheers’ing eachother)

this poetry of yours is worth a follow on my end, too.

Helpful post, soon i would need to this ... Still not enough steem dollars.

Beep bop, this is @pushbot.
I just received a signal from the Mother Ship that you may require a push.
You just got a 10.93% upvote courtesy of @howtoweekly!

Message from the Mother Ship:

You can earn daily profit by delegating SP to make @pushbot stronger. Delegators receive a share in 95% of the earnings.

Click one of the links below and start earning :)

10 SP20 SP50 SP
100 SP200 SP500 SP
1000 SP2000 SP5000 SP
Any Other Amount

Waaaay to complex for me...I got a guy that takes care of my crypto stuff.

He sounds like a real cool dude. 👍🏿 Man it’s cool you’re familiarizing yourself with this platform, I’m prouda ya! There’s a big outdoorsy type, bicycle/camping event down here this weekend with all the vendors, solar backpacks etc. Just sayin.....

Thank you ! I was struggling with this

My pleasure, I’m glad this article helped. 👍🏿

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you very much for the information you have given about steem.

You’re very welcome, my pleasure. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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