20 reasons why Steemit is better than facebook.

in #steemit7 years ago


20 reasons why Steemit is better than facebook

A year ago. I decided to try Steemit as I have always had doubts about Facebook.
Since using Steemit for over a year, here are some reasons you should join the Steemit revolution.

1.The blockchain. - Censorship resistant

Impossible to delete or censor information. Even altered or deleted posts are recorded.

2.Alternative views.

  • Steemit creators rewarded any alternative thinkers very well from the outset , which has created a thriving alternative community.

3. Original content - with rewards.

  • People get rewarded for creating good, unique content, unlike facebook. For this reason you can find thousands of people creating new, original and unique content on Steemit.

4.You are the stakeholder

  • In Steemit you have a stake in it's future, and certainly the more active and better quality your posts are, the more you will be rewarded.

5.Become part of the crypto revolution!!

  • Join for free and start an easy way in to holding some cryptocurrency without forking out a single cent.!!!

6.Steemit, unlike facebook isn't a DARPA (CIA backed project)

  • Be part of the solution rather than the problem.

7.Rewards for curation

  • You can get rewarded for helping out posts that haven't recieved much attention, and you can also get rewards for your comments on other posts. How awesome is that?


  • Most Steemers are positive and great people, and that core is helping to build a great community spirit!

9. Control the layout of your posts.

  • One you get the hang of it, Markdown can create much better formatted and better laid out posts than facebook can.

10.Search Engine friendly

  • More and more now I am getting Steemit results when I do a search in a search engine.
    Facebook lacks this and only tends to come up with results if you search for someone's name. Good for getting information out onto the internet, whatever you want to promote.

11. Competitions with prizes

  • Daily competions for art, photography, blogs poetry and much more with prizes!! And if you don't like the ones you find, you can always create your own.

12. Dtube

  • Steemit's own answer to youtube on the blockchain, with rewards using your Steemit account. Dtube

13. Dsound

  • Similar to Dtube and Soundcloud. Get rewarded for podcasts or music.

14. Charity

  • A great resource for charity, it's so easy to reward deserving posts with a single vote, share the post or comment. Also really easy to send your money (Steem or steem dollars) to the recipitant.

15. Make a full time living

  • Many Steem contributors are making a full time living from Steemit with the money that they receive from their blogs. A great way to do what you love and get paid. So different from facebook where I have spent years creating content and not recived a penny back for my troubles.

16. Contribute to the future of Steemit democratically.

  • With some work you can become part of Steemit's future, there is a process known as witnesses who help to steer Steemit forwards. If you create content and add to Steemit you can decide to become a witness.

17. Diverse content feeds

  • On facebook your feed consists of your friends and pages that you have liked. Steemit offers this, but also you can look at hot / trending and promoted categories which will allow you to see new members blogs and new content. This will help you to find new members, information and ideas easily.

18. Search by keyword

  • You can search any of the feeds by keyword, and narrow down to your personal interests if you want. The top keywords are shown on your feed so you can see what is popular, or choose your own categories. When you make a post, you add keywords so that other can easily find your content.

19. No Adverts

  • No adverts on Steemit, if people try to advertise their posts are generally downvoted.

20. Easy to make money or invest

  • You can easily make money from your own content, or you easily can buy or sell the crytpocurrency Steem or Steem Dollars. It's free to join, and you can add money if you like, but there is no need to.


Where Steemit is catching up.

Steemit certainly lacked a few features at the beginning, now they are coming along nicely, uploading photographs directly is one feature that has been added.

Of course, facebook does some things better than Steemit, but Steemit is on the catch up, with a growing user base and a great system for getting paid for you content, you'd be crazy not to join Steemit.

Check out the posts on steemit for more innovations and progress that the site is making.


Sign Me up

For anyone interested in joining please visit

www.steemit.com / www.steemit.com
for sign up and some more information.

Also this good place to start checking out posts on Steemit.

What are you waiting for, get creative !!!


Dtube - A potential Youtube beater - Get paid for content, no advertising needed.
Steemit wiki

Damnthatbanana My steemit blog

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