Cryptonites Strike the Crap World Order (video)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

In Light of #pizzagate - Steem Prices Rising, and the Censorship Free Blockchain - Communities Emerge.

The price of Steem has been rising a little, which is great. I go over some of the reason why it may be so - possibly due to the community

Video below.

Thanks for any upvotes/steem/reblogs/steem dollars/comments/follows!


I have seen an increase in PizzaGate posts within the past 24-48 hours, and I know some of that is from new users. Keep on posting man! Thanks

We started PizzaGate-Trail to attract others from social media outlets that have been censored, and give a place for discussion. Right now, we are organizing to get out to those outlets and bring in those displaced by censorship. This will be an interesting week for sure.

Absolutely! Yeah, this is all for the greater good, and it is going to in turn make Steemit and the community around the world stronger within this. Great work. Looking forward to the coming weeks, as well. Take care.

Good message, resteemed...

Stay strong Bro

Thanks brother. You too. :)

There's good information, freedom from being silenced completely and new people coming along to embrace this great new internet land.

We must be careful though. With any new story, people come a long just to capitalize on the concepts. The truth becomes mangled. They'll say anything about the topic and make it really juicy. Others who promote their versions of truth don't always step in to stall the bullshitters because some won't see it as a bad thing for it draws even more attention to their truth.

Just look at Youtube. They have freedom there, to a point. Many abuse it. The jets are spraying drugs and Nibiru will be here any minute. People need to be careful and stand up for each other, otherwise assholes will make steemit the laughing stock of social media.

If the "big" media companies are already on the defensive, I'm sure they'd love to get their hands on something absurd from a place like this, then milk the shit out of it and turn the sheeple against us.

Good points, @nonameslefttouse.

That's why we need strong people with good discernment to guard the integrity of this place and not let it get to that. I've been one who's been in this fight for decades - worked with people in alt-media and have long learned the difference between the disinformation and tactics to derail things like this... so I will for sure try my best to stand up for people here and the truth. It's my duty, and there are others here who are very much as well.

This isn't entertain, folks. Things like #pizzagate (which is just a gateway to a world of hell beyond that situation) and the kind of stuff that I won't even say here is not a joke.

It is some serious, shit.

On the surface, from my perspective as someone who observes the information, a few of the pizzagate reports use the classic youtube conspiracy theory style approach. It's a style that works to get attention, but many people will automatically associate it with fake youtube conspiracy theories simply because the presentation is so similar.

Everyone wants to make that viral video so they use those techniques because they worked for others so well in the past. People need to view themselves from the eyes of many when they tackle this sort of thing and many fail to do that... but this is just my rambling opinion. My advice would be something like if you're only trying to appeal to those who prefer that style of presentation, those are the only ones who will hear. If that person last year was telling their friends about flat earth, their friends won't believe them about another government conspiracy especially the presentations match when the videos start getting shared around facebook. People roll their eyes at this sort of presentation now, they've been duped too many times.

As you said, it is serious, or at least, it sounds serious in the serious style presentations.

Well said brother. The community building Steemit together, everyone sharing their own ideas and projects is the coolest thing about this place to me. Smart people solving problems, being creative, doing charity, teaching and learning, so good...!

Truly is! These are good times. :)

May we all learn to see it despite of any darkness, which we will continue to try to change...

Steem_Land tweeted @ 28 Nov 2016 - 07:10 UTC

Cryptonites Strike the Crap World Order (video) —… /

@SteemUps @SteemitPosts @steemit @steemiobot @Beyond_Bitcoin

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Wait to you all see what I'm making - this is just warm up stuff. :) Thanks for the support, everyone. Steem on!!!

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