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RE: To Bee or Not to Bee - Perspective of a Redfish

in #steemit6 years ago

For me, there is always a "fudge factor" in this picture. That fudge factor is called "I just have a good time creating content and engaging with others on the platform."

Even though my account name prominently has "Curator" in it, I basically suck at curating... because I rend to read and support (with my tiny stake) based on the metric of "helping others" rather than "maximizing rewards." I actually got excited a couple of days ago because I earned curation rewards of 0.006 SP for a post!

My primary reason for continuing as I am doing is that I feel pretty sure that I can depend on social engagement continuing into the future. Bid bots could suddenly become a "non-thing," next week... so I don't want to hitch my success to that wagon.

Interesting post and experiment, however!



You remind me very much of myself when I first started out. :) I still love helping others, but it's harder nowadays for me to find time to come online.

Social engagement and community will continue into the future because even if steemit turns into a "business platform", well, every business needs customers. There is too much stake in bidbots for it to go away but I do respect how you are engaging and curating and helping others. Always continue with what you feel is best for you. :)

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