Getting Started Mining Steem on Windows [Step by Step Guide]

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


Mining Steem on Windows is actually a pretty easy thing to do if you follow a quick and easy guide to help you get started. The best thing is that Steem mining uses your computer's processor, so everybody can mine. Depending on what CPU you have however you might be able to mine more than others, but that is a topic of another conversation. So let us get started mining Steem on Windows in no time in a few simple steps...

  • Download and install the miner software for Windows

  • Extract the archive and run steemd.exe

  • Close the miner window and open the witness_node_data_dir folder that it has created

  • Edit the config.ini file with the following settings

  • Under P2P nodes to connect to on startup add:
    seed-node =
    seed-node =
    seed-node =
    seed-node =
    seed-node =
    seed-node =
    seed-node =
    seed-node =
    seed-node =
    seed-node =
    seed-node =
    seed-node =

  • Under name of witness add:
    witness = "yoursteemitusername"

  • Under name of miner and its private key add:
    miner = ["yoursteemitusername","yourWIFprivatekeyhere"]

  • In the above lines replace yoursteemitusername with your username

  • Login in your account, go to Profile / Permissions, show your private Active key (should start with 5...) and replace yourWIFprivatekeyhere with that key

  • Under Number of threads to use add:
    mining-threads = 1

  • Depending on your processor you can add more threads to get better hashrate such as 2 or 4, if your CPU supports Hyper Threading you can double the number of physical cores it has as the number of threads to use

  • Make sure you don't have the # sign at the start of the line when you are setting a parameter such as witness or miner as this essentially comments out the whole line and it is not taken into account!

  • Run steemd.exe again, wait for the blockchain to synchronize (can take a bit) and after that you should successfully start mining Steem

  • The rewards you get when you successfully mine a block are in Steem Power and they should appear in your Wallet on steemit, 1 for each block.

Happy mining and enjoy the exra Steem that you will be getting by mining.


Thanks for the was very helpfull..

have you tried ?

how much I will earn from doing this.

it depends on your computer. If you have high performing pc/laptop then you can earn much more.

What if i have 1.1 ghz and 3 gb ram???

Hi, could i get some help please? I have everything in the way it says but it keeps saying "No such host is known". Any tips?

I found a fix for this. Use a command prompt to run the executable, and when it errors out, look through the red text to find which seed-node is not being resolved. For me, it was the seed node "" that was not resolving to an IP address. I just removed that seed-node from the config file and the miner ran fine.

I had problems with the windows version as well. I think the binary version is a old version. It says last year, hardfork 19 was released the other week. I suggest doing a fresh build of the steemd.exe . Mining Steem for Dummies helped me build a working version. And if your on windows and want to use ubuntu (windows 10 has it in the system) but you can download a software that will create a virtual machine in your computer so you can use windows while running the VM. go to also go to youtube and look how to setup vmware workstation 12. It took me 3 hours to have my steemd up and running, But the syncing takes hours as it has to sink before it can start mining. Also seed-node addresses are on this webpage which you will need for both the config file and when your building steemd miner. hope that helps.

Thank you! :)

Is pool mining possible? Because that way I don't have to waste hours to sync the blockchain.

Awesome finally got it working

Is there any way of changing the thread count whilst the miner is in session? I have tried changing the config.ini file setting though it seems to have zero effect after the exe file has initiated and mining has commenced. Is there another way?
It would be great to be able to shift between settings, assigning fewer threads when higher functionality is needed for other work and then transition through to full power over night whilst sleeping. I understand I could power down and restart to get new settings in effect though it takes hours for the miner to commence again and downtime is well, downtime right, a zero earner!

No, you need to restart the process after you change something in the cofnig file in order for it to take effect.

Just use CTRL + C for properly closing steemd.exe and this way you will avoid resyncing of the blockchain on every start.

In restarting like this we end up with quite a lot of downtime right, so it is better to just leave it running than change it several times a day if productivity is to be maximised, right?

I set up the miner as per the instructions but it seems that my position in the queue is always exactly 1 higher than the number of miners in the miner-witness queue on I have never appeared on the list even though it fluctuates in size, sometimes it has 108 people on the list and i'm queued at 109 but then I'll be on 105 and there are only 104 people on the list. What is going on there? Any help?

You need to first find a block in order to get listed on the witness queue, then you start moving up in the queue and when you get on the first spot you need to produce a block in order to get a reward. Wn you find a block on you should see a line saying your username found a pow, thenou shoudl get listed in the miner-witness queue.

how do you find a block and how long should it take? my miner has been running for 3 days and still my number in the que is always 1 or 2 above

The time can vary based o n your hashrate, how many HPS are you getting? Look at the number in minutes reported by the miner, that is an estimate on how long it may take you to find a block. Once you mine a block you get included in the witness-miner queue...

Take a note of the estimated time to produce a block, it is something like 81 hours with your current hashrate, so it can indeed take 3 days or more days, especially if you don't have luck.

Just got my first block! :)

Do I need internet connection to carry out the mining process.

I just checked and it looks like I found a POW 13 hours ago. I checked the list and don't see myself on the miner-witness queue, nor do I see any extra STEEM POWER in my account.
I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong.....or if I'm just not understanding this yet (I'm used to mining crypto-currencies).

When you find a POW mining you get included at the back of the witness-miner list, then climb to the top spot and then you should witness a block creation and get a reward. This moves you out of the witness-miner queue and you start mining again in order to get included once more in the list. It should normally take between 1 and 2 hours to move to the top spot in the list.

Sometimes when your turn comes you may not successfully do your job as a witness in the short timeframe you are being given and you get not reward, should not happen very often, but can still happen.

nice. thx im getting the hang of it now. its a long but fun road i tell ya!

Thank you for such a concise guide to mining. I don't know for sure if it is something that I will get in to, but it is something that I find interesting, and I definitely want to learn more about it. This is the perfect step-by-step for me to look back on if I do decide to try. Thank you again!!


this was the last block i downloaded. after that for 7hours
807684ms th_a application.cpp:419 handle_block ] Syncing Blockchain --- Got block: #3450000 time: 2016-07-23T16:35:48

there are only requests like these...
621765ms ntp ntp.cpp:177 read_loop ] ntp_delta_time updated to 8164274 us
794472ms ntp ntp.cpp:166 read_loop ] received stale ntp reply requested at 2016-07-31T08:13:14, send a new time request
794808ms ntp ntp.cpp:166 read_loop ] received stale ntp reply requested at 2016-07-31T08:13:14, send a new time request
795094ms ntp ntp.cpp:177 read_loop ] ntp_delta_time updated to 8201930 us

do i have to restart the program? or just wait? dont want to download the whole blockchain again.. as 98% is downloaded now...

any advice?

No need to redownload the whole blockchain if it gets stuck at some point, it should resume at that point when you restart steemd, make sure you do a clean close with CTRL + C and confirm and not by directly closing the window of the software.

it looks like this now. am i mining now? i restarted the program with CTRLC .

3454622ms th_a witness.cpp:176 plugin_startup ] Launching block production for 1 witnesses.
3454622ms th_a witness.cpp:189 plugin_startup ] Starting mining...
3454623ms th_a witness.cpp:196 plugin_startup ] witness plugin: plugin_startup() end
3454623ms th_a main.cpp:182 main ] Started witness node on a chain with 3456729 blocks.

It should resume downloading the blockchain as you do not yet have synced to latest blocks on the network.

Once it starts mining you should see hashrate displayed and estimated time for mining a block.

If it does not happen after after a bit of waiting you can try running: steemd.exe --resync

yeah ok. i i figured i was not mining yet, as my pc only uses 8% of cpu and 10% of ram now ;)

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