Dear Diary: Today I Am Enduring Something

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Almost everything has a price and I have realized that today that I am paying the price for my cure that I have to do in order for me to regain my good health if not recover some. And so the price that I have to pay now is typical of medicated individuals, they suffer side-effects like what is happening to my body due to my medication.

A few days ago I was just jovial and telling the community how I regained my long lost appetite which made my life hard the past few years actually. And regaining my appetite is a cause for me to celebrate since I regard it as a miracle since I think I am only a dialysis patient among thousands that doesn't require medicines to add more blood to my body. It is also funny that I was only the one viewing it like that, a miracle. I couldn't be more thankful.

I am also thankful that of course because of the help of the #steemit community I am now able to buy myself my parathyroid medicine in order to combat its hyperactivity. But the medicine has its nasty side-effects. Some patients I heard just gave up the drug because it gives us nausea and vomiting and a general feeling of ill.

I was feeling ill all the time since I took my medicine and my appetite just diminished because of nausea. But since I am not like those of other patients which are anemic while I myself is as pink as Salmon, I think I can make it through this enduring times and will just try to be as strong as I can and do the necessary things in order for me to finally cure my parathyroid and its complications.


I wish u quick and fast recovering in Jesus name. Amen.

Thank you @anjiba for your prayers and support.

God bless you!!! I wish you strength in you hard times, and patience to endure!

Greetings from Athens! I'm following you, your blog is awesome :D

Glad you are getting better every day!

Stay strong, medication may yield result you need soon I hope.

Thank you @trixi88
Best regards, it is hard but I can do it.

Back me please and follow me

Gosh Cryptopie, I hate that feeling. You are a much better person than I to have endured what you have for so long. My wife calls herself a wussy sometimes when she cries or wences with her back pain.

I think you are both superhuman. I would have given in a long time ago. You might say I am HIGHLY allergic to pain. I hope that your 'Salmon' color works to your advantage. Anemia is not something else you need to be dealing with while you heal.

Hows the internet upgrade coming. Not sure you have done a post about that since you mentioned you were getting upgraded. If you did I missed it and IO am sorry for that. Keep us up to date and keep strong.

Keeping you in our prayers.
#MuchLove #MuchRespect
Team Night-Steem.

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