Dear Diary: Steemit's Heart is a Helping Hand for My Medicines

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Every bit of helping hand here and there adds to my gratefulness to this community because every bit of money that I get just is planned for my medicine purchases plus for patching up my needs for my dialysis treatments. This month of November my health insurance will stop paying for my treatments until the month of December so I will have to pay cash for my sessions.

Dialysis is a very expensive medical affair and I had seen patients before that gave up because they cannot pay anymore and dying by not being treated is actually worse than a torture as the patient slowly dies with drowning in their own body fluids, but before that, they suffer from nausea, "the crazies" headaches and all that being poisoned feeling.

I myself suffered with "the crazies" where you just believe on what goes into your mind. But my case was mild as I was getting dialyzed anyhow but those were the months that I was only getting dialysis treatment once a week. I tell you, if you had experienced that situation, you can just compared it to hell. I was nauseated all the time, close to vomiting. Body is waterlogged but luckily my lungs didn't flood and the "crazies" because brain reacts to the poison in the blood.


The body goes stiff too and I am just one tough guy that really sweat it all out until I survived. I also survived because of the insurance of the government that I am getting today which will end this coming November so I am planning for that as it needs an out of pocket payment from myself.

My primary source of help now is the #steemit community because it is hard to rely on trading alone because of market volatility and your money can just hang and force you to hodl. I cannot rely on my family as they are as hard up as me and has their own priorities and my as for my relatives, well just the same. But steemit is here and always ready and I couldn't be more thankful especially in these days that I am needing prayers because of the i-ll side effects of my medicine, its nasty but I need it nonetheless to correct my system from degenerating my bone. God help me and God bless the steemit community.


This is something I cannot understand. How is it possible to leave people whose lives depend on medical treatments without insurance for a month? Dialysis is not something you can put off for a month. Such a messed up world.

Yes we actually had gotten into a compromise by extending the coverage until November but without extra medicines anymore that we usually get before. Hopefully in the future there will come a time for a full coverage and with medicines.
I am thankful nonetheless, greatly. @ladyrebecca

in my country. treatment of all diseases is now free. because government officials here are aware that there are still many people who are poor and have no money to seek treatment. sometimes we are more fortunate to live here. although other purposes we often complain about money. I'm sorry I can not make a donation to you. because it has no power in this regard. I am not a curator that has a lot of steam power. once again i apologize. but I just want to give a little to you. although I myself do not have much. may God provide the solution for you. amen

I thank you for your prayers @nasrud and it helps me too.

Keep on fighting, keep on believing, keep on praying, things would work out. Transformation starts in the mind and then manifest in the physical.
This song could be of help, when you get some time please listen

Thank you for that @daudimitch
It really is uplifting to hear such inspirational songs in these times of my lfe.

Hope the government keep helping you out. Also the steemit community.

Yes we are so thankful for all of these @jon24jon24

God bless you to the fullest of His abundance!

Same to you and the whole of the steemit community @team101

have u tried MMS Miracle Mineral Supplement.. I don't know much but a friend of mine had arthritis and it went away. sorry to hear ur medical bills are so high. best of luck.

I am now on this medication @danlupi and hopefully it will make some difference soon.
Thank you.

I cant understand what you are going through. I hope everything works out the way you wished it to be.

Thank you for all your support @hanen
Every prayer works.

Hi dear. I'm really sorry for your condition. I pray God see u through.

God will see you through you shall get well soon

Wish I could

Am really proud of your resilience, focus and persistence. It's so unfortunate that the government have left people in such situations to seek solutions themselves. Really wishing you quick recovery, and thanks a lot steemit community

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