Dear Diary: Mine And My Mother's Health Update Today Which I Am So Thankful For

in #steemit7 years ago


Today as I take my shower I just am noticing a slight improvement on my pain which is there but quite unnoticeable now if I do not put my thoughts into it. I still am suffering from stiffness so it just prevents me from doing many physical things like doing a little work in the kitchen like using the knife and putting water in the glass if I would want to drink because my joints are quite cranky and I rather ask my mother to do those things for me rather than me doing them.

But as of today I am managing because at least I can make it to thee toilet without so much effort than before and I also can lift better than before without so much grunt and groan unlike also before. It doesn't mean that it isn't hard now. It is still hard but all are improved and I always attribute it to the usual suspect, my medicine.

I am quite surprised how much a relatively small gland can do so much for our bodies and in the case of a hyperactive parathyroid it does ruin someone's life for the worse if it wouldn't get a treatment or the rest of the life of thee person would be like a living hell full of pain and uncertainty. But as long as I would get my medicine I will not be so much in trouble with my bones and pain issues although some of my body issues have not gotten an imprvement yet like my strength, weight, and breathing problem.

My life is still full of uncertainty but the difference is that I get a care and support from all around the world thanks to steemit friends that I have who continues to pray for me and they not only are saving me but my mother as well wo have some issues with her thyroid which causes her to swallow with difficulty. But now she is taking some medicine to correct her thyroid problem and that she will undergo some further examinations to see the extent of her own medical malady but i am optimistic that she will get fine with her health soon. Thanks to God and God bless the steemit community.


Great news @cryptopie
I'm very happy to hear you're both having a better time of it right now.

I am pray your mother always fine and healthy every day..
and i hope your also always healthy.. @cryptopie

So glad and happy the two of you are doing well my friend. Take care and enjoy the day. We're getting a bit of snow here today so we're enjoying an unusual day of weather for our parts. Be well my friend.

I am really glad to hear that you are feeling quite well nowadays and your mother is also doing fine. I hope that you stay like this and keep getting better in future. Take care of yourself and your mother friends.

Am super glad to hear that your health is improving.more strenght to you. I pray the lord sees you through this hard time.

Glad your pain has lessened. You have coped with so much already that any reduction of discomfort is a welcomed result.

Small gains everyday, my friend!

I am so happy to hear that you and mum are doing well and everything is coming to normal. Do take care of yourself.

Regards @funkylove

Nice to see that you are able to take your bath. You will be start other daily tasks to soon just take medications on time and do not take much stress ok. May God make you healthy Amen

Good to know that you are feeling some physical improvement. that is really awesome, for you as well as for your family. Hope that more improvement will come gradually. And if you remove your parathyroid and get 3 times dialysis per week, you will be much much better. Good luck

How are you today? @cryptopie

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