Dear Diary: I Want to be Cremated Because My Skeleton is Ugly

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Christians just prefers to be buried when they die and it is a traditional way of disposing of the departed because burning the body is just reserved for heavy sinners, at least that is what my church believes on. But I am free to choose what way that my body should be disposed of. I personally prefer now to get cremated when I die. It is because of my appearance and what the future generation of my family would think of me years after I died.

I even like a closed casket when the time comes. As you can see, my mouth is wide open normally and when II die I look ridiculous and funny. I think even the mortician will not be able to stitch close my lips to shut it as they are doing to other people's mouths which are relatively normal. I even told my mother to take care of my mouth when I die really and I am not joking. She said that she will put a handkerchief to wrap around my head and jaw to shut my mouth from opening but good luck with that.

For one thing I do not want to get embalmed. If you had seen how bodies are embalmed, it is just undignified. They would cut the person from chest (Y-cut) to abdomen then the mortician would grab the pharnyx or throat then in one swoop all the lungs, liver, and intestines and all are out.

Then the body are poked all over with formaldehyde so it would get preserved during the wake. But of course the person would not mind it because they are obviously dead already but I see some indignity in the system of embalming like how they do it. So I do not want all that done to my body really and just want to be burned right away, just wait for my body to get stiff first before cremating.

It is just my preference to get cremated because I wanted to be remembered in my former appearance as a sweet looking young man that is full of hope and dreams but fate took a careening turn unto a rougher road of life.


Cremation is cheaper and less stressful. My mom passed away not too long ago and Im glad i have a beautiful necklace with her ashes and i dont have to remember a formaldehyde filled body in a box, that costs thousands. I hope you and your family dont have to go through this for a long time!

I have nothing against cremation, I find it is easier to deal with the idea of disappearing quickly....
However, these are not the kind of thoughts you need right now. You need to fight this disease and your state of mind matters very much. I'm not even trying to cheer you up, I really believe a positive attitude, being strong and determined, focused on the future is essential in getting better. Focus on the idea that you must get better, please.
Watch funny videos if that's what it takes, but stop dwelling on the bad parts.

You are right @ladyrebecca It is just sometimes I am thinking about things beyond that I should think about.
But maybe I will just really focus on what is best for my life now and how can improve it and enjoyy as much of life as I can.
Thank you and God Bless you.

Exactly, any of these types of end thoughts need to be erased and replace with getting through your treatment and rebounding. You're finally where you need to be and will also have more firepower to pursue back surgery or other goals. Please don't make us flag and hide any comments about any ending comments!!! (kidding) You're just starting a new and healthier chapter in a long book.

Yes @steemmatt I realized that I really do have to look at the brighter side of life because it is what all of us are up to, pursuing happiness and not looking at sadness or anything negative that could affect us in a bad way.
Thank you.

soul is eternal, eternity is like 2 sides of a coin

  1. eternal life with God almighty and 2. eternal destruction which is hell. we are made with free will we can choose which eternity we need.
    our earthly body is irrelevant , it only has value till we are placed in the coffin, so it doesn't matter what is the destiny of our earthly body, we came from dust , so shall we return to dust. soul and spirit is attached which will never die. Ur eternity is in your hand , make wise decision if you need life in hell or to be with your creator for everlasting to everlasting. God Bless you all.

Yes @okdubai How a person lived his/her life on earth is what matters which will cause them to either land in heaven or hell.
As for the body will be returned to dust as it came from.

I dont know why I am affected everytime I read your post. Maybe because I havent been in your situation or it is normal for me to easily feel this way. I really don`t know why all of your diaries deeply touched my soul.

I copied and pasted your post (this one) to my facebook wall for everyone to know your story. Here is the link if you want to visit,

Thank you for your support @xhunxhiss
I think I am just an emotional type of person that is why you get affected by my thoughts but I am trying to be funny at times just to lighten up my stories a bit.
I appreciate your support.
I really want much people around me and if only all of them are possible to give me a hug and kiss it will all be welcomed.

I have a suggestion. It may sound a bit morbid, but. your condition is so rare you may want to think about donating your remains to science for research. By doing so you may prevent others from going thru the agony that you have been thru my friend. Just something to think about.

Sir I don't think my parents will allow that idea @woodywood143 eventhough I would insist.

Be proud of who you are my dude. Beauty is subjective.

You have a good point there @southsea
Thank you.

We hope that you won't have to take that decision now. In our religion, it is buried in the ground. And everybody have to follow it.

Yes but maybe my relatives will have the last say @hafiz34 and have me buried instead.

Your body will die, but your soul never! Pain and misery on earth, but happiness in Heaven!

I must admit that you are right @kalemandra
I was just pondering about what they are doing on the body and all that.

I think at the end of the day, it is the thing that happens to the soul that really matters.

Yes, the dust is just a dust @oluwatobiloba and nothing more but the soul is what matters and how the person live his life.

hahaha.. you are funny.. @cryptopie

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