Dear Diary: I Feel Numb All Over Because Of Inadequate Dialysis

in #steemit6 years ago


I haven't felt this feeling ever since I had those once a week dialysis sessions and my body is just weak and heavy right now. I refused to eat because my mouth just feels like I had chewed some bitter herb of some sort and it is lingering. But I could eat if only I do not feel the sensation of drowning when I do.

Add to that my struggle all night just trying to sleep because I cannot breathe. When I eat I just gasp for air and it is just like that when you are so saturated with fluids that any additional load into your body may it be food or water makes you feel like a fish out of water.

When I turn over I would hear this shifting water in my lungs because they do have water in them and that is what I am trying to take out with my request to my nurses but it falls to deaf ears. My hope is for the weather to help me because I don't perspire and perspiration helps me get rid of extra fluids that helps me with my breathing. God help me.


I’m really so sorry to hear your saffering. The most frustrating is that there could be so litle done for you to feel better. If only these nurses did their job properly. I hope you get to do your Dialysis yourself soon.

I will just say a little prayer for you @crytopie

Father in the name of Jesus, I lift up crytopie to you. You're a merciful father and a healer. Please heal him completely, restore his health and make him whole again... Amen..

Get well soon!

@cryptopie you need to be admitted and be taken care by nurses and doctors in a hospital. I don't know if you're already admitted but you need immediate treatment. I am praying for your recovery, stay strong.

How many dialysis do you and are you supposed to get in a week? I hope you get enough so your sufferings may lessen.

I think you should try a different health care centre in which you can get adequate number of time you needed. The Lord will heal you

i just hope you get medical attention soonest

hopefully can be passed all try and quickly medapa heal

@cryptopie hi I strongly recommend the arrangement of food is mainly intended to keep urea and creatinine not increasing rapidly with low-protein foods, especially animal protein. reducing foods containing high salt to reduce hypertension and prevent accumulation of fluid in the body. and that you can get a consultation with the doctor in the hospital.

Hi @cryptopie I hope you will be better and I offer prayers for you . God is good .He will make a way so think positive for your treatment .:)

Sorry for this terrible circumstance. Water in the lungs is no joke. That's pneumonia from what I have heard. Ned![signature_d to get attention.

I will be praying for you , friend 🙏

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