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RE: The state of steemit central - come one come all - your comments required. PRIZES TOO.

in #steemit5 years ago

Hi shepz1. I don't like kicking someone when they are down as that comes across as unfair and just wrong.
The problem with the Steem blockchain is everyone relied on Steemit Inc to move it forward.Ned was allowed to become the 'leader' of this place and has proven he is out of his depth. Having a good idea and bringing it to completion are two different things.Many mistakes have been made and I blame the platform mainly for following someone who is clearly lacking skills.
The way to fix this is to have a core group of people who can step up and guide us in the right direction. We need developers and business minded people to put us back on course.


Maybe part of the problem is that people aren't used to decentralisation. It needs a group effort to move forward, from people who know what they're doing, however, people are so used to following a leader that no-one dares to step forward and voice their thoughts and knowledge. Instead they still expect to be told what to do. One person can't know everything, though.

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree, though must try to remain neutral, (for now.)

The way to fix this is to have a core group of people who can step up and guide us in the right direction.

Isn't that the top 20 witnesses? Vote accordingly.

Personally I disagree with you on this one. They may be good at some things ,but lacking in other areas. This is not the answer and needs to be thought through properly. We don't need more cock ups and need to get this right.

We need to vote for witness that understand the technology they steward. Tim Cliff is one that comes to mind, although there are some others.

Once we know that all 20 are competent enough to guide this technology then anyone else can contribute either individually or in teams as it is an open source project.

I agree with that,but we also need business and marketing expertise thrown into this mix. Development will drive this platform forward and other skills are needed to complete the package.

core group of people who can step up and guide us in the right direction

I hope in a decentralised community the direction might be condensed from the community. These directions can then be 'made real' by different core groups, which will vary from task to task.

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