in #steemit6 years ago

Hi everyone we were in chat the other day when one of the guys mentioned that he was demoralized. He then went on to mention that he hadn't written anything for a few days. He had written a couple of posts and had no votes on them.

I thought back to when I first started and it is tough and it is still tough. I have been fortunate enough to have a group around me now ,but it takes time. It takes literally months and hours and hours of interacting and engaging with people. The more you interact the faster you will grow and there is no time frames on that either.

If you are one to just post and hope for the best then you are sadly mistaken. Finding like minded people to follow you is the key. Thousands of posts go through unnoticed every week without a vote and maybe even unread. If you expect it to just happen then I am sorry to burst your bubble unless you have exceptional talent and luck.

Most of the bigger accounts that post regularly each day are successful because they have built a
following. In the beginning these accounts were no different to the new users now posting and having no or very little return. My first few posts were a kick in the teeth and was just happy to get 0.01c. A comment was a high light so a thick skin is a good asset to have on here.

You can't take it personally as you think you knocked a post out the park and it is a total flop. That post may have had your heart and soul in it but it just doesn't get the value you expect. Other posts that take 10 minutes or so may do better than the one that took 5 hours to compile. Don't take anything to heart and just keep your head down and keep going.

With the right attitude you will make it but every time you feel down don't stop. Try something else by looking to build your community. Go and read some posts and comment, it may take you 50 posts to get one or two people coming to look at your posts, but get out there and remain positive.


Yeah I can see how people get demoralised on here but I personally really like it as a bit of a hobby . Always fancied writing and now I can . The upvotes as Bobby said should be a bonus

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree and Bobby is so right.

yeah we can tell it's just a hobby for ya, that's rather obvious. I just hope that poor bloke isn't following you or he's really gonna get depressed.

But if he reads your posts about giant meal worms he’s gonna be singing “ I’m walking on sunshine” right ?? 😂😂😂

hahaha! great choice in songs sir blanchy! lol. ever heard the phrase "mad genius?"

Yes I can well understand that guy in your chat being demoralized. It must be so if one posts good content here and it gets unnoticed.
This is so common here.
So what to do?
as you have pointed out in other words.
I think best is to just press on.
I would add,
try to get satisfaction and pride from the posts that you post and try not to be disheartened by lack of recognition. Hopefully it will come later.
In short
Post for yourself and others
Anything more is a bonus

Well said Bobby

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi bobby. Good advice and I hope people read as it is important to just not expect. It takes time and effort and doesn't happen overnight. Thanks again for your support.

Post for yourself and others
Anything more is a bonus.

Nicee @bobbylee

hi bro. my gratitude towards you is coming and it is giant. I am grateful

please see: https://ulogs.org/created/ulog-bobbylee

it doesnt require log-in

Thank you so much brother

Nice photo, well posted.

The quality of interactions matter much, I remember seeing one user who complained how he interacted much but nobody reacted.

It was basically "nice post dear"-type commenting to other peoples posts....

Very true. If you don't add value then you are wasting your time.

Always good to see advice like this. Keeps me puttering along.

howdy tonight sir cryptoandcoffee! man I wished I would have known what I know now when I first started or I wouldn't have wasted so many hours putting out posts that made .03. But great advice, there is no fast way to build and it is a grind.
but if there is another way I haven't seen it.

Hi @janton, it didn't do you any harm though as it was a good schooling for you and me. It is a grind but it does get more enjoyable and easier the longer you are here. My one post is already sitting for tomorrow and I am now getting more organised.By the way there is no other way.

haha! yes sir there is no other way so we might as well get used to that fact!

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