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RE: 7000 Posts Special - My Ideas On What to Change In Code + Ways To Support me in Journey to 14 000

in #steemit4 years ago

Dear @kingscrown

You only want to have active STEEM users to vote, yet right now a vote once set is lifetime.

Why not to consider those users, who invested in STEEM and are holding to their STEEM. Many users are not active but they delegated their SP to others.

Those users should not be punished with their witness vote being removed. Don't get me wrong - I understand your good intention and I see where're you coming from. But your solution is solving some problems and creating new ones.

Delegation Auto Expire

I'm sorry, but I'm absolutely against. This is insane idea. To force people to visit Steem blockchain every now and then and pretend to be active - or be "punished". I wish to see it the way you do - but I simply don't.

Thank you for sharing link to your post. Upvote on the way.
Yours, Piotr

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