10 SBD GIVEAWAY!!! Celebrating 1000+ Supporters!!!! Thank you!!!!❤️

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Hey there everyone! I am so excited about reaching another milestone that I want to celebrate by doing my first GIVEAWAY of 10 SBD to show my gratitude!!! Thank you to @coruscate for the inspiration to do this! 😘 If you haven’t checked out her blog yet you are missing out on one fun talented lady!

Wow who would have known my journey would have went this way?!! I started on the Steemit plattform 2 years ago a few months after it was launched. I spent a few weeks trying to find my way through it, got discouraged, quit and then logged back on 1 year later to become a consistent active member. I am so glad I came back and now I am enjoying this plattform more than ever! Mingling and gaining valuable relationships is what really made a difference here for me! Community and conversation is so important here. When you give support you get support back! A Huge thank you to all of my 1,000+ followers for all the love and support you have given me throughout this journey.

🤗🤗🤗 I have a special token for you @nazar94 for being my 1,000th follower. Please check your wallet because I have sent you 2 SBD to show my appreciation of your support! 🤗🤗🤗

We all know it takes encouragement and motivation to keep things rolling on this plattform. For that reason I want to take the time to give a shoutout to the Steemicans who have impacted my journey the MOST! Noticed I said the most, not the only ones. I think it is important to acknowledge those who have greatly supported you and let them know you appreciate them. I am blessed to have met so many people I can call friends here in this community~

@canadian-coconut - She is one of the first people I found here on Steemit that shares the same views and lifestyle as I do. She homeschools, doesn’t care for vaccinations, prefers natural medicines and has a heart and love for people. She has been the most supportive of my work/blog and gives generously to this community. She helps run the @familyprotection account to help bring awareness about the lies and deceit of the CPS and other government services. She brings truth to the light about the foster care system and how these places are destroying families. This sweet lady works many hours rewarding others for their contributions and articles for the @familyprotection cause. She has also personally helped many families dealing with the CPS and is currently in the process of working towards helping families financially that are facing troubles with the system and need help keeping their families together. She also shares stories with us about Vaxxed, a movement that brings to light those families that have been directly affected by vaccinations. Thank you Linda for all that you do and for being the most trusted Amazing Steemican that I know on this plattform! 😘

@markwhittam - The first time I ran into his blog I knew I’d be following and supporting him. Since that day I have done so and have been upvoting and resteeming his posts. Why you ask? Because he brings so many fresh ideas to this plattform and makes you think of ways you can use your talents to better serve this community. His family is free spirited and they love to travel the world together. They too are a homeschooling/worldschooling family and they bring new ideas to the homeschooling community and ways we can get our kids active and thinking for themselves. He is the creator of the @familyprotection account and has a deep passion for this cause because he too was a product of the foster care system when he was young. He too works countless hours rewarding those that contribute to this cause and he together with @canadian-coconut are working on ways to use the funds from the @familyprotection account to start supporting these families in need. Oh and I can’t forget about the Steemit Roadshow. This go getter has been setting up his own booth and going from country to country to share Steemit to the world. Once people join he makes a special effort to make them feel welcome and supports them to encourage them to stay on the plattform. He really is an inspiring individual that loves his family and this community. He encourages us to live free and out of debt and to get out and explore this beautiful world! I thank him too for all of his support with my work/blog! You are truly appreciated Mark!! 😊

@fathin-shihab - I really love this Steemican lady for what she brings to the plattform. She brings fresh new ideas and amazing talent with her sewing and creative skills! This talented woman designs her own sewing patterns and will make a post that shows you how she draws and writes them up. Then she’ll show a picture series or make a video of the process. She is also cold blooded with her 3D printer! She makes all kinds of Steemit and Steem fashion (jewelry, wearables etc.) and even chocolate you can actually eat!!! You can buy these Steemit souvenirs from her with Steem. She usually lets you know what’s up for sale. She too loves her family and shares some of those special moments with us. I love that she is not stingy in sharing her how to’s with us. Since we first met she has encouraged, supported and inspired me on how to make my posts better. I now share the process of my crochet work and love doing so! 🤗

@apanamamama - This lady right here...I consider her to be my closest friend here on Steemit! We have sooooo many things in common and we share a lot together even outside of this plattform. She is a Christian as I am, she homeschools, she loves crafting, has five children as I will have soon (our fifth baby is due this June 😃) and she also has a love for helping and supporting people in this community. We met from our Monday initiatives. She was sharing her beautiful quilts with us for #Makeitmonday and I had started the initiative #NeedleWorkMonday. She started joining in with us on Monday’s and using the tag along with her tag and it was peaches from there. She is one of the leaders and on the committee for @thesteemengine who supports and curates good valuable content and showcases it with ‘The Daily Whistle Stops’ curation post. We try to keep each other updated and in the know about things we know each other would be interested in. She is also a proud supporter and writer for the @familyprorection account. I love this lady! 💜

@crystalize - Let me tell you about a leader who is quick to take action! I ran into her blog and saw one of her posts about lampshade making. It blew my mind how beautiful it was and how she herself made it with her own hands. I immediately invited her to join us for #NeedleworkMonday and within a few hours she responded back she would be there. Not only was she there but she immediately stepped up to help me out with the organization of this initiative. She reached out to me and asked me what she could do to help get the word out about our Monday’s. I told her if she runs into any blogs involving a needle craft to invite them on. That same night and many nights after she spent hours inviting people to join us. She is now my partner and co-chair of the #NeedleWorkMonday initiative and I don’t see how I was doing this without her. She organized a contest to get our initiative a logo made and it is so nice. It was created by @coinbelly! (see below) She works tirelessly with me to upvote and comment on every #NeedleWorkMonday post. We believe in supporting and encouraging one another as we share our creations and passions. We really want the needle arts to be a big part of Steemit and our initiative is growing every week! Oh and I can’t forget she is my ear when I need to vent about people misusing and abusing our tag lol! 😄


Now on to the GIVEAWAY details! I want to hear from each of you how Steemit has changed or impacted your life! If someone you knew asked you “why do you stick with Steemit?” What would your answer be? Your answers will encourage newbies that might be struggling to get adjusted here on the plattform and not sure if they want to stick around. It will also help others to have something to look forward to if they work hard and stick with it. Help spread some motivation today with your answers!!

How To Enter for the 10 SBD GIVEAWAY:
  1. Comment below how Steemit has impacted or changed your life! Imagine you are sharing your answer with a newbie or someone that wants to know “What’s all the fuss about Steemit?” “What’s so great about it?”

  2. Tune back in next Friday March 9th for the Winner to be revealed! I will do a random drawing from all of the relevant responses posted below! So you have 7 days to enter! Ready, Set, Steem!!! 😆

All photos are my own and were taken with our Cannon EOS Rebel T6.

Thank you so much for tuning in! I thank you all for your continued support with my work!!!! I have so much love for this community!!!! 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️




Huge shoutout to @rigaronib for creating my logo/banner!!! He was so awesome to work with and as you can see he produces great results!!!! Thank you!!!


Nice to read your post.
I remembered I started posting and then I started following you around the same time.
Good deed to help other steemians.
Keep on steemin'

Thank you @pouchon! It’s really good to see that you are still steemin’ too and doing so well here. We started out learning the ropes together so it’s pleasing to know we are still here and trying to support others! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your continued support!! It really means a great deal to me~ 😊

Hearty congratulations on your very big achievement @crosheille. You really had a lot of great personalities to help you grow all the way. That's really enviable. Well I hope my little "journey story" will inspire someone here.

So last year, my resolution was to build up on talents and skills I had acquired and to also make some advancements financially. Towards the end of the year, I realized I hadn't really done so much about any of them. Then steemit came along and gave me all two at once.

I'm Gamsam Paul from Nigeria.
An introvert of the noisy variety. Lol....I'm just noisy around people I'm really close to. I am also a medical student in the 5th year in the University of Port Harcourt.

The journey so far

How I grew on Steemit

I am now more open to new ideas and knowledge. I have never been more eager to learn. It has made me able to accept all kinds of people from different social backgrounds and with different ideas of life.

Steemit has also increased more foresight. I am now able to see the bigger picture in things and plan ahead

My consistency has increased greatly. When I first joined steemit, I was discouraged with the low outcome in terms of rewards. But after reading some posts from people like @bhoa about steemit, I got motivated. It's only been a month, and I'm glad I continued. I've already started seeing the fruits of my labour.

Things I learnt

I joined steemit on the 12th of last month being 12th December, 2017. Before I joined, I knew a little about cryptocurrencies but I had never really given it a serious try. I felt I was late since coins like bitcoin were already pretty expensive.
Joining steemit has made me realize that it isn't too late. In fact, it isn't late at all. It may seem late, but crypto is just on the rise and still rising.
Steemit has opened my eyes to the whole new world I've been missing out on.

And yes, the income. Steemit is THE bomb. You get paid for doing what you enjoy doing. I know with time, my earnings on steemit will increase greatly.

Thank you very much for that sincere congrats! Yes I have been really blessed to meet some really great people along the way.

I am glad you decided to stick with it. So many people get discouraged at the beginning (including myself) but that’s apart of learning and finding a place that fits you best.

I too am learning more an more about the crypto world, it’s definitely not too late to jump on board. The more you mingle and build relationships and the more time you put into your posts will really make a difference and help you along your journey.

Thank you for entering the giveaway :)

Steemit is allowing me to see a community of artists and creatives that are outside my personal circle and comfort zone. I am communicating with people who I would not have met or seen due to their distance from me or due to their not being directly a part of my hobby. Decorative lampshade needlework totally blew me away. The felted animals, the diy patterns. Loving these!
And the artists and photographers who post here are top notch. I have found a few I really like and some who I look forward to watching grow their skills.
As for what I get out of it... i did 30 days of daily posting and found it exhausting. :) I am still trying to find my stride and place, but that might just be to be eclectic and post whatever is happening in my life.
Should be interesting...

Hey @jamethiel! Thank you so much for entering! I am so pleased to hear you are really getting a lot from the creative artists community. It still blows my mind some of the talent I see on here from week to week. I too love that we can communicate and be connected with people that are miles away. I look forward to seeing you grow and finding your niche here! 😊

Hello @crosheille... you mean 9th March ?

Yes I do! Just corrected it thank you for looking out!!! 😉

Oh that's good I often find posts a bit too late and can't comment / upvote...

I am not very good at writing at length... you may have noticed that so here goes my entry:

I have been in steemit since January and I am still thinking how to word my introductory post. I haven't done one yet because I find it hard to encapsulate my interests in a few words - 'jack of all trades master of none' comes to mind though.

I am very lucky to have a guide in @pennsif who has been a steemian for much longer. Thanks to this guidance I found the #needleworkmonday group. Since I found the group every week I have looked forward to seeing the posts, photos and videos that people put up and I have had an excuse to prepare one of my own.

I never stop being amazed at the creativity and passion of others who live worlds apart and I may never meet in real life. I feel however that there's a friendly connection and the possibilities of interaction become easier - that is made possible by steemit.

I feel taking part in #needleworkmonday has made it easier for me to understand how steemit works too and find that mutual support is essential. So I see someone's post; I upvote it and follow them. Then during the week I have things to read; comment on and upvote or resteem.

I feel happy when I can upvote and can contribute albeit in a small amount to the effort that the person has made to prepare a post. I show my appreciation by doing that... More and more I understand the importance of both upvoting and commenting.

That's made possible by having a friendly platform; a great group and caring hosts ... Often in real life judgement and prejudice precede the opportunity to listen to someone. I believe steemit gives everyone an equal chance.

Thank you

Well you did very well writing in length on this one! I am so glad that you have been guided by @pennsif! He is definitely a positive influence here in the Steemit community. I am also really glad that participating in #NeedleWorkMonday has opened up many opportunities for you as far as new friendships and motivation! I agree that commenting is so important, that’s where great friendships start. I have enjoyed getting to know you and look forward sharing more with you :) Thank you for entering the giveaway!!

Thank you again @crosheille and congratulations again on your achievement :)

My pleasure! Thank you~ 😉

Aww congrats on such a huge milestone!!! You bring so much to this community and I think it’s really thoughtful that you are doing a giveaway to celebrate. 😘 ps... your cover art is SO cute!! I love how bright and full of energy it is.

How Steemit has changed my life... wow, where to start!!

It had helped me to become a better communicator. I have improved both my writing and verbal presentation skills. Beyond that though, people on this platform get deep with each other and really focus on building each other up. This type of positive and authentic communication has really inspired me to bring that kind of mindset into my every day relationships as well!

Steemit really helped my find my groove with music too. Before, I was just played in my living room, or jamming with a few friends. It was scary at first to start posting music videos here, but now it brings so much joy into my world to do so! I had actually seen a big improvement in both my singing and playing by doing these videos. There’s something about performing that pushes you to grow and improve!

Steemit has helped give me freedom. Even though I am still in my corporate job, the extra earnings from Steemit, have allowed me to save money, and get closer to quitting that job. I am currently in FULL ON Focus towards my goal of reaching financial independence. Steemit has made that possible in so many ways.

Thanks for the awesome post idea!! I can’t wait to come back and read everyone else’s responses. We are truly part of something amazing here, and I love seeing others stories and how the power of Steem has impacted them.

Thank you so much!! Your milestone post really inspired me to do something more meaningful to celebrate! Thank you for the compliment, I really love taking my own shots and making them my own.

Wow thank you for such a wonderful thought out response/entry. I agree about people really focused on building each other up here. It really does motivate you to do the same. That is so neat how you took a chance and opened up and now your music has taken off. I need to come visit your blog more to hear more of this music! I am trying to get a few tools (studio lighting) to have nice videos for DTube. I’m ready to start my crochet tutorial series. I am really happy for you and so glad to see you are so on fire and doing your thang!!! 😃

I can definitely attest to the financial aspect. Although I haven’t earned enough to say we have financial freedom, we have been able to use the funds in the times of need. We consider it a savings account. I really hope you reach your goal, that would be amazing for you to be able to quit your job!!!

Accept my sincere congratulations!

As Steemit changed my life?
Well, in general, I have never seen myself in the role of a blogger. After the birth of the child, I spend all the time at home, I did miss, because I bake a lot and do handmade. Recently on TV often discussed the topic of cryptocurrency. I understand, that this is our future, but could not understand, how can I be part of this world.
In January this year my friend told me about Steemit. I was surprised and delighted, that this platform brings together a social network and cryptocurrencies. Steemit has become my home work, I spend at least 3 hours here every day while my daughter sleeps. Here I found people, who are interested in handwork, I share my ideas, find inspiration in the works of others.
After the birth of the child, I became quite different perceive the topic of motherhood, I have always been interested in topics such as family, children, protection and support of the family. On Steemit I found such a community.I feel myself necessary, because I make public some cases of lawlessness on the part of the CPS, write short memos to combat them. Steemit became the channel, where I directed my energy, it gives me strength and charges me with positive. I like to know, that I have like-minded people, no matter what country they live in.

Thank you very much for the congrats and for entering! I am so glad you were introduced to Steemit, it has been a pleasure sharing with you on Monday’s. It’s great to hear you have found communities with likeminded people that you can connect with. I too direct a lot of my energy into blogging on this plattform now. It is really amazing that we can connect with others that are in different parts of the world.

Wow, @crosheille!! That is an amazing accomplishment - congratulations!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

How has Steemit impacted my life?

I was actually invited by TWO people, @stackin and @chiarafrancica. They both encouraged me to come and learn the ins and outs of a new crypto currency called Steem. So I came for the learning aspect, but I stayed for the community!
I’ve been here since 10/10/2017, and what makes me stay is the artistry and the compassion of this community.

There are some extremely talented people on Steemit - from music, to stories and poems, to photography, to needle crafts (how we met 😊). Plus the ones who can take cryptocurrency and break it down to simple terms that can help EVERYONE to win. It is just incredible what I have seen and learned here.

Not only are they talented, they love HARD. I watched Steemians come out the woodwork to help @hickorymack get her and her family off the streets before CPS took her babies away. I saw people give to help make better lives for the people of Venezuela. I saw those who are giving to help the Steemians in Syria get out of their war-torn country. That totally uplifts me and inspires me to be better.

Yes, there are some “bad apples” here who have dollar signs (or Steem signs, I should say) in their eyes, and they really don’t care who they hurt in the process of “getting rich”. But as it is said, “Your richness comes from enriching the lives of other people.” And that can definitely be said about the Steemit community. 💜

Thank you very much for the congrats and for entering! This was so wonderful to read. This really is an amazing, caring and loving community. I too was blown away at the generosity that was shown and is still being shown for @hickorymack. It really touched me and things like that really do inspire and encourage us to do better.

I also agree about the artistry, music, writing and photography talent here! It’s good you have been inspired by so many already. I love that quote about where our richness comes from, it is so true!

Firstly, congrats on your milestone!!!
Steemit has helped me tremendously. I haven't been able to work a regular 9-5 in a few years, which means I burned through all my savings and am lucky to still have a roof over my head. I have always been poor, but now I have been way-below-the-poverty-line poor. Even though I have only been here since September and am not one of those super popular people, Steemit has enabled me to pay my electric bill, part of my rent, buy cat supplies, the shoes I really needed as mine were all falling apart and hurting (and I don't drive, so lots of walking), and other odds and ends! I'm still a red fish, and that much help to my budget is HUGE to me! Maybe if people are already middle class or wealthier, they are only satisfied with tons of money, but "I can buy a month of cat food at once and pay my electric bill" is AWESOME to me.
And even if you think, "meh, ten dollars" ...do you get paid ten dollars from Facebook? 😉

Thank you for the congrats! I am sorry to hear you are experiencing really hard times but it was uplifting to hear Steemit has been able to help you. It’s amazing that you have been able to keep up with certain bills and feed your cat just from blogging and mingling. Very true point about Facebook. People are on there putting in a lot of time on their posts and pictures but are not getting anything in return for it. Only the creators and sponsors of Facebook are benefiting from everyone else’s work.

Exactly. There are people on FB with thousands of followers, getting paid zero!

Great pics!! Aren't you the cutest little prego out there? :)
I was wondering how you were going to pick the winner. Glad to see it will be random. It would be too hard to choose!!
Steemit has been great for me! I've gotten to know people like you (and if I can convince you to move to Panama, then we can meet in person), @ethandsmith (who is just pretty cool and has 26 hours apparently in his days), @awakentolife (who can take an awesome picture out of a moving vehicle and has a great story - plus he needs to eat a lot of gelato and pizza slices for me). I love all the people I get to meet on here and how I can learn more about them...even if I probably will never meet them.
Steemit has given me a place where I can write about stuff and not feel like I have to hold back because I don't want so-and-so in my family to read about it (like on my personal blog or on facebook). I can lay my thoughts out there in comments or a post and feel good about that!
It is great to be a part of the Steemit community. :)

(Oops, I had to edit this because I totally read what I was supposed to write about incorrectly...Perhaps I am tired...Ha!)

Awww thanks so much my friend!!! I had fun shooting those pics outside in the sun as my kids ran around! Yes I knew I wouldn’t be able to chose any other way, it would be WAY too hard!

I know!!! I really hope we meet in person one day...we just have to!

I feel the same way about being able to write out my thoughts and feel good about it. I feel like I will get more real and deep responses and not just fake feel good ones as well. It’s really amazing that we can connect with so many different people from all different walks of life. Thank you so much for entering :)

Lol - I can just see the kids running around while you're doing pics...because I've done that too! Ha! The life of a homeschool mom... ;) Yes, it is nice to be able to write out our thoughts! I just love getting to meet people that I literally never would have ever met before on Steemit. Even on FB, you don't really get that chance. :)

Lol! Exactly! Oh the life of a SAHM! I am having WAY more fun on here than I ever did on FB! I keep in touch with those that were already close to me and everyone else I was friends with on FB, I might see them around from time to time. I don’t miss the fakeness of FB that’s for sure.

I enjoy #NeedleWorkMonday :) It motivate me to sew / knit on daily basis.
(Please don't pick me or if you pick my comment, I donate the SBD to your NICU hat project :D )
And congrats for your 1000+ followers!

I am so glad you are enjoying our Monday’s and it is so good communicating with you from week to week. That is very sweet of you. Thanks for the congrats! 😊

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