Why the Price of Steem is a great thing ! ! !

in #steemit8 years ago

One of the keys to enjoying life is a strange thing. It is the ability to find a positive in things that just do not seem to have a good position to consider. Remember the idea that the glass is always half full, never half empty; well of course science tells us the glass is always full with liquid plus invisible AIR : )

So why is the price of Steem a good thing, how can anyone see a positive out of a share price that is sinking faster than the Titanic. Consider this; Steemit was designed to be different from the other 750 cryptocurrencies and to reward stakeholders usage of the platform.


Many other websites have their own unique rewards programs and Steemit has one also called STEEM POWER. So if you use Steemit your SP increases much faster than if you do not do anything on the website. Sure you get interest on your SP but by using Steemit your get REWARDS plus interest ! ! !

Now let us consider something else, people selling Steem by the ton. Well crazy as it sounds, it is their Steem to sell. If I had one million real dollars of any unknown stock for a prototype website social media experiment, you can be absolutely assured I would be selling as much as I could simply so I get something for my investment.


Owning a million shares of nothing is not worth much, but selling at 20 cents in the dollar this is something like 200,ooo dollars . . . So anyone smart enough to hold a million shares of anything probably figures selling some of it is good sound investment strategy.

But the real point is this for someone selling, there must be buyers. Someone somewhere wants that Steem and I do not think it is for making vodka martinis. Someone must have the money to be buying this steem, thus they must feel this crypto stock has the ability to return their investment.

Now imagine you have 99 Super Whales with tons of Steem, you can UPvote for $500 per vote on a post. Well whats the point of that, how many posts can 99 whales view 24 hours a day. What is a better strategy is to sell off a lot of this steem power after powering it down into liquid steem. This gives a lot of other people a bought in financial incentive to build and network Steemit. (LOL maybe soon some of those Super Whales can even take some accrued vacation days) ; )


Others will buy that steem and increase their own voting power across the platform, simply to earn more rewards over time. Sooner or later the balance of steem must start to balance out, remember even with huge interest on Steem Power, Steem still decays over time. Steemit is just barely six months old and made its real appearance in July 2016, not bad for a BETA website.

I mention that because all of this is a grand experiment, but with the Whales selling someone must be buying and they must have their reasons. Even with such imbalances currently on the platform the sooner stable voting makes vote casting more consistently rewarding the sooner people will learn what to expect.


People do not like change and nor do they like the unexpected. The faster Steem is redistributed more evenly across the platform the better for all of us free cryptocurrency shareholders. If Steemit can capture just one percent of the FaceBook Social Media market we will all be rich enough to fund our own Candidacy for the White House : )

So stop talking down Steem and get back to work; work your little fingers off to make Steemit a place others want to be a part of. I bought Steem five days ago simply to invest in my own small business. I am no more sure of the future success of Steemit than the next person; but as they say, fake it till you make it ! ! !

See you on the BlockChain ; )

Thank You Pixabay for the images.

Who are you networking with ; )


I say we need demurrage to allow the whales to spread the SP luuurve!

really useful thoughts. I think the first and foremost thing is that we should do a great job to promote the platform. As more and more people go into this platform, the value will increase and everyone will benefit from it.

Yes and we must help new people learn the ropes in a timely efficient way. Steemprentice is a network to help others learn faster, I recommend everyone start following 99 people and to vote within their feed. By networking within your feed you get to know people and they are more likely to notice your voice over time . . .

If the whales do not spread it around, the work of others will continue to build and bring others to that level. Natural tendency is always balance.

I think the selling off is awesome, firstly Whales get a lot of fast growth so by selling this means others can improve their own SP positions. But imagine if whales just said I am not selling until I have 987665644332 Billion Steem Power, this would take so much longer for others to earn Steemit Rewards to start aiming toward that desirable balance.

If people are selling it means people must be buying, plus why would any crypto crruency traders take a position in Steem since it is always generally trending downwards; to me this means real people are investing their own Real Life Gold into Steem and that is a good thing for Steemit . . .

Excellent post!

If you haven't seen it already, I wrote a similar one this morning :)
Attention Sharks - There is blood in the water. Are you ready to invest?

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