What does your Steemit Image say about you ? So whats your angle to be a name within your niche ?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


The world is a busy place ; in fact most people are not even looking nor listening they are simply wired into their technologies and groups. So how can you become a force that gets noticed almost as much as a Dolphin would in a school of Minnows?


BE AUTHENTIC ; There is no point is trying to be something you are not, you must like and have a genuine interest in what you are aiming for and trying to achieve. If you are stealing others works , or claiming you are a good person but simply down-voting people for ' fun' etc. sooner or later you will get caught . . .


GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT ; Sometimes people " need " things , however it is usually better if you are seeking to influence that person in a positive way to give them what they want. Here on Steemit people want fun , entertainment, knowledge or important facts. If you think people want to hear how you cannot find that elusive missing sock after washing ; reality says people will not invest their important time into your mindlessness . . .


TRY AND BECOME A LEADER ; If you are going to try and make a name for yourself , you must try and be the first with new suddenly interesting material. Work to become a valuable contributor to whatever you feel the audience wants to receive. Make sure you listen to your audience and seek to answer some of their questions even before they ask them . . .


ESTABLISH YOUR PROFESSIONAL IMAGE ; If you are here to inform , entertain , connect or help others ; make sure your efforts support that appearance. I am not suggesting you cannot be human and humorous or adventurous , but try and stay on topic. No one is really going to consider you a professional if you start oversharing stories like when your cat threw up on your underwear ! ! !


BE RESPECTFUL AND CONSIDERATE ; Anyone who posts a clearly serious post about their " Pet Rock dying " might have more issues going on than simply their toy passing away. Telling someone they are posting silly or irrelevant material is not your place on Steemit. Your not the ' post police ' to decide what is right or wrong , simply if it appears crazy or irrelevant then just click away. Do not downvote simply because you disagree , downvoting is for bad things ; not weird opinions . . .


PRIMARILY Steemit is about using Media to be Social ; Steemians should try and focus on getting really good at their areas of interest , do not try and spread yourself all over the platform. Work to become a brand name of quality yourself , once people know you then you can try and spread your wings further afield . . .

Thank you Pixabay for the kool images : )
Happy Posting ; see you on the BlockChain ; )


Good job! We just post and write about what we love. Upvoted!

Probably easy when you are travelling in paradise : )
But I am sure your not always travelling in paradise either ; )

Every place has it's positives and negatives. Anyway we have enough material to write until the end :-)

Awesome post. I'm following you. I will be watching you climb to the upper levels of this crazy insane zoo.

Well a Huge HUGE Thank You this is only my first day of experimenting with pictures ; )

I have been lurking on Steem but have not thought to use it to become a leader. I realize I am reading people here to be inspired. Excellent thought food.

In my blog posts I suggest people find three things they are passionate about, things they would talk about or dream about in their sleep without getting paid. Once you find your BUZZ (or Niche) then work to take your voice from a whisper in the Noon time marketplace and turn it into a shout out in the middle of the night time dark ! ! !

This is another excellent post with no real notice.
I appreciate your continued efforts.

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