Welcome again to the Steemit College level education program . . .

in #steemit8 years ago

Personally I feel terrible, Steemit is new and people gravitate to steemland to enjoy the adventure and earn some gold.

But mainly people do not, with so many authors here only the best or most innovative get rich rewards on a regular basis. For myself I used to be a terrible writer, but I am getting better, plus I am studying writing a bit so I am getting help.

Unless you have a unique talent @orcish you simply must check out this material or are a gifted presenter @kaylinart who is obviously extremely experienced, you will take time to grow into the steemuniverse. Random strangers will not just simply give you money, even if it is not their own money unless your work stands out to them more than some other steemians.

One steemian I think who has a lot of promise is @karenb54 and by watching and follows I get something back from Steemit instead of money. So unless you are going to carefully craft a serious article or professional technical post, keep your post short; especially if ( like me ) you do not use pictures to break it up.

Experience here says people will not waste their small precious free time to read random words :)

/ hugz ; )

The idea herein is ; short 12 word sentences, tiny paragraphs, it needs to be all over in 4 or five paragraphs and under 99 words . . .


Well thank you for the mention I am so glad someone has faith in me lol Your doing a great job just don't give up keep reading and learning. I have faith in you :)

Oh thank you for the motivation; it felt like the first week or so I was talking to myself. Now it is kool just to know I have been read . . .

Plus I did my exercises today as well ; life just does not get any better than this : )

/ hugz ; )

I will continue to read as long as I can, You have plenty to say you just need to get your name around the site. Your time will come :)

nest limits must post here ...

I have owned several businesses and my employees always said I was a great boss, but I put up w/ NO BS either. Happy employees = +$ for all, Again, i'm an 'Idea" guy, so i am looking for a team, But lack the cash to just create one .. that will come, working on presentation of Biz concepts now .. Standard Biz plans is Total BS, and will NVR use a PWR point presentation ... Working out bugs in concepts now ... talking to programmers and 3d modelers to work with and possible trade for work deals where we both get 'Paid' .. after yrs of thought, finally just started working on putting it together the other day .. a LOT of time/work ahead !

Ah glad to hear : ) I myself mess around with four different ways of trying to diversify my income streams. Currently I am sort of actively working on three.

Mainly it is some grand adventure and having fun, meeting nice people while trying to find out real things happening in the world of events. Working on investing a better improved boat anchor at the moment as well.

Life was made for living, so try and be the best you can be; remember all ideas and plans always go further once written and committed to paper ! ! !

May you make your body weight in Gold as profit : )

/ hugz ; )

( I just made that quote up; copyrighted ! )

[ note to readers : copyright notice above; up for sale, available for purchase ! ]

LMOA /cheer ! boat anchors ... humm ..interesting .. 6 basic types i hear, lol !!

  1. What are defects in design and/or function that solicits the idea that improvements are needed ?
  2. Could it be that it is not the design or function that is at fault but the usage, deployment or operation that is at fault.
  3. Are there enough "incidences of inadequacies" causing loss of revenue to merit contemplation of new designs?
  4. If there is merit in contemplation of redesign, will the industry support the construction with promissory notes of compensation on proof of concept.
  5. If so goto Concepts; line 1.

LMAO !!! THAT WAS FUN !! (mental masterbation, just playing with myself !)

Thank you these observations seem golden to me, I must consider a case for each point ! ! !

I am a Registered Nurse so I know health care, of course you cannot do anything to improve health care without serious dollars and serious clout with stakeholders.

What you consider interesting observations somehow seem more relevant to someone actually trying to improve upon an existing product : )

There are two ways to invent, try and develop a brand new idea; or try and build a better mouse trap design so people simply switch over to you and you capture existing market share . . .

/ hugz ; )

awe man, you missed the point, it was a dummy loop ... basically saying KEEP THINKIN BRO ! you might be onto something !, just keep thinking!
Thinking about a thing, means your are considering that thing, because without consideration NOTHING will ever get done or improved !
1st step think .... (become aware) like life lesson #203 or maybe #205 w/e , lol
this is fun !!

I want a boat anchor that is simply awesome lol...

An anchor that weighs less than others, is easier to handle and store on a boat : )

Holds securely in whatever bottom material like weeds or grass or sand or mud or rocks etc : )

Simply I want to make boating easier and safer and be paid my body weight in gold for helping make the world a better place . . .

I promise if I earn the equivalent of my body weight in pure profit I will even pay some of it in TAX to support the government : )

/ hugz ; )

that was all great right up to that TAX part ... /cry Please Don't support criminals !


Thank you for adding me in your post <3
I personally think the only reason I'm doing pretty good on here is because my art is so different then any one else on here and I really don't have competition . I really feel bad how much competition you have its insane. Maybe one of these times we can combine our talents together in a post, I think it would do really well.

Oh thank you, in a combined post; YOU would do really well and I would just a free ride lol.

Welcome to reality : ) you are a talented artist who has been drawing a number of years it seems by the quality of the images. I myself have been learning to write three months.

So today means I am still a Freshman in High School, soon I might even be good enough for college; but I am learning : )

/ hugz ; )

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