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RE: Can ~Anybody~ Out There, *Please* HELP Me? Desperately Seeking Editability...

in #steemit7 years ago

Hi John,

Yes, the thought of having some kind of funded "perpetual trust" has crossed my mind... HOWEVER:

Presently, pretty much all "disposable revenue" is allocated to survival... though Steemit and other cryptocurrencies offer some hope of an eventual change to that situation.


I think of this sort of like the difference between leaving a few reams of paper in an attic vs. erecting a "Stonehenge" sized edifice. I view the Steemit blockchain as potentially being more like the latter, and any "government-legal-contractual" trust structure as more akin to the former.

Do I sound like I'm begging?

Yes, admittedly... But it's not just for me. The general consensus of "regular users" who have responded to my missives and become aware of this seem to support such a change.

And (though progress has been slow) I think the "peeps" have been implementing some level of what I'm asking for in the background, and that they will eventually complete it.

Perhaps more ideally, I shall be driven to study the problem, and ultimately learn how to figure out the details of implementing a tool to do this myself.

Of course,

then there are my darker moments when I think that perhaps I should instead be worrying about eradicating all traces of my thoughts from the worldwide web, so as to save my progeny embarrassment... :O


you know the famous ode of Horace, the Roman poet? He erected a monument more lasting than bronze and higher than the royal site of the pyramids simply though the quality of his writing - and then he bragged about it! So did, that may be another way to go because some peeps think the blockchain record shouldn't be edited - that's the purpose of it. Me? I just like it when Walmart rips off one of my quotes to sell their socks. Yeah, that makes me feel like I achieved something ha ha

My friend John, immortalized by Walmart?

Awesome! :D

I'll send you the ad if I can find it - no wait, I'll ask Deb - she's preparing a lawsuit haha

Can't wait... ;)


Okay, they were selling mobile phones - thought it was socks - that's better, I suppose :)

Better indeed!

"John J. Geddes, Spokesperson for Wireless!"


"John J. Geddes, Smelly Sock Salesman."

:D ... LOL!

Being from SA all I know about Walmart is that a lot of funny looking Fat People go there? Does it need advertising?, they are already hilarious!

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