Thanks to steem, I went form 14 bitcoin to 120 bitcoin in 2 weeks

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This is my first attempt at writing a blog post, up until now I've been posting my YouTube videos, or blog posts I wrote many years ago from my WordPress blog. I didn't write a blog post before because I had nothing to write about. When I create videos I simply turn on the camera and start talking, with almost no idea of what I will say throughout the video. This makes my videos very useful for me, and entertaining for myself to watch. You have just read the introduction to my first written blog post on steemit, I know... I need practice.

My first video blog post on steemit was 2 months ago a few days after The DAO sale started. I discovered steemit on coinmarketcap when it rose to a very high level for one day. I watched the video on and found it very interesting. After submitting 2 posts in 2 days that earned 32 cents, I forgot about steemit for 5 weeks. Three weeks ago I watched a video with Amanda B. Johnson and Fort Galt, they were talking about DASH and the steemit July 4th first payout was mentioned. I thought to myself "hmmm, payout on independence day, that's powerful". I went to join steemit and realized I already had an account, and started blogging my YouTube videos.

There was very little documentation that I could find about how steemit works, I figured I would just blog and trade steem on bittrex, figuring it out along the way. I was mainly focused on earning some money before the payout a week later. Steem was fun to trade on bittrex, and I would use the profit to buy more ether, then sell ether to buy more steem. The price of steem fluctuated between 25 cents and 35 cents for most of the time before the July 4th payout. At that time my crypto holdings totaled about 14 bitcoin, 95% of it in ether that I bought when the DAO crashed.

I started buying bitcoin in December 2015, my goal was to buy 10 bitcoin within 6 months, by only spending $200 per week and trading. I eventually got into a groove of buying bitcoin every 2 to 3 days, speeding about $100 to $200 each time, and trading BTC/ETH to get more. I was satisfied with holding bitcoin or ether, to me they were both promising, so depending on the market fluctuations, sometimes I would be 100% ether or 100% btc, most times somewhere in between.

When I started trading steem I had about 14 bitcoin. A week after the payout I sold all my ether and bitcoin for steem. Now I have 3000 steem, valued at about 20 bitcoin, and 13,000 steem power, valued at 100 bitcoin. I went form 14 bitcoin to 120 bitcoin in 2 weeks. Now my fingers are tired, time to find some pictures for this post. Videos are so much easier, I might not type another blog post, it's not fun because it feels like work, and my last job was in 1999... Craig :)


First, congratulations on your success with steem @craig-grant. We're probably all a bit jealous ;)

However, upon reading your post, you make it sound like you're not at all diversified anymore. Am I right? And if so, aren't you worried about losing it all if steem ever crashes and burn?

When the DAO hack happened I was 95% bitcoin and 5% ether, the day after the DAO hack I was 99% ether and 1% bitcoin. Diversification is for those who fear losing money, and profit goes to those who don't. The money I invested in crypto is money I would have never saved up anyway, so I have nothing to loose, and much to gain by just the experience alone, even if I loose the money

I have to agree I overlooked that experience does have a value. However, diversification can also be about a vote of confidence for multiple technologies/platform. But I guess that might still be construed as fear, be it the fear of losing it all or the fear of missing out...

In terms of "vote of confidence", I think bitcoin is a great store of value and steemit is the first application that onboards non-crypto users into crypto, beyond that I can't say I'm confident about anything else in crypto.

When risk pays off, it can pay off big. IMO, given time, patience and proper crypto research, one should be able to cash out their original fiat investment and move forward with house earnings, rolling them into further profitable crypto endeavors.

Your videos rock! Super happy to hear of your crypto success.

Oh yeah, and don't forget to take some profits for yourself!

Congrats! I get inspired to start writing myself :)

very intresting read with good insight !

Very interesting! I like it!

You are making it rain!!!

Wow wow woow !!!!
Nice money there mate keep it up :D
Mimd to drop by in my blog hand some help for newbie in crypto world ;)

beautiful picture of you at your little baby, like ART

Thank you very much mate :)

Hi Craig, I just got started with Steem today, I find it a very interesting take on things. Your videos on Youtube were some of the first I found when i searched about Steem!

I love a good success story, well done. Hope the profitable journey continues on and on ;-)

welcome to steemit, I anticipated that many youtubers and anyone who searches google about steemit could end up on my channel, and now I am starting to see I was right.

Cheers! I didn't see a notification about your reply, but I did see it visible in the recent replies section at least. Been reading all about Steem all day.

There we go Craig! Diversify them skills!

good luck but you the saying
sharing is caring, ;)
may that just be the beginning

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