
Moving to simplicity for the sake of simplicity, while eliminating the one feature that can actually attract widespread use in commerce, is stupid, quite frankly. The SBD-Dollar peg has been working as intended. Moving to "simplicity" before any legitimate attempts have been made to market this entire concept is a little short-sighted.

Maybe test the actual attractive features of the blockchain on a wider user base before scrapping those components because a very tiny fraction of people just can't comprehend how ~$1.00 of SBD means ~$1.00 US?

yes, needs more testing, i can agree with that. I would like to see the witnesses vote on whether to keep it or not, the job of being a witness could be easier without it

I'm sorry, are witnesses the only one's using the SBD? No. I think we all need to have a say in keeping it or not.