Steemians! Are you aware of the new 4 top level posts/day limit?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Quick question.. Is there a limit to how many posts we can make a day?


As @minion pointed out
"All profit from 4 posts will be paid out at 100% every next post will lower the amount you can get paid out, focus on quality not quantity."

Personally, I fully support this new move.

Full info here:

Old question for posterity:

I didn't see any formal announcement but I've seen people mention something about more posts "diluting" your earnings, similar to the voting system.
Can anyone confirm this?


I believe that there is an update coming up that will limit the posts per day to 4 or 5. I'd certainly welcome this.

This is a official Steemit account. Not mine, I mean the account that posted the update. I'm not a 100% sure but pretty sure!

Post EDITS also have an effect on this! If you go to your profile at, you'll find that an edit appears as you having "authored" a post, the same way a brand new post appears.
Make sure you do all your proofreading BEFORE you make your post!

HOLY SHIT! Thanks for this. I was in the habit of tweaking posts after writing. OMG

Likewise. I have another post that's on the trending page (the Learned Lesson post) in which I described only being paid 15% of what was expected because I spent all damn re-editing and re-editing and how I came to the conclusion I did about edits. Had to get the word out before it happened to anyone else.
According to a reply in there from @dantheman , he states that if this is indeed the case, it's a bug. Sounds like they didn't want that to be how the site behaves on edits.

Dang. My latest post was getting tons of votes, but now I'm gonna end up with just a little spare change. Disappointing but lesson learned.

No but there are "penalties" for posting too much.

All profit from 4 posts will be paid out at 100% every next post will lower the amount you can get paid out, focus on quality not quantity. Btw there are no penalties for the voting system, as long as your not voting 100+ per day your fine. I'ma make a post covering that soon.

Also, slow down with the votes, your voting power is low. Let it regenerate a bit! :)


Yes, there is a limit. Not so sure how many.
Thanks for the post

Nice post! so much undervalued wtf!

Yes. You have bandwidth depending on your steem power. If you run out, you will be throttled. If you vote too much, your voting power will go down as well, reducing how much you influence a post as well as your curation award.

I read someone saying something about a max of 4 new story posts per 24 hours before things dilute. hmmmm

If that's true then it's definitely worth noting.

I've also noticed that depending on if the activity of your thread, the earnings will fluctuate. I thought it was a universal thing that went up and down for everyone, depending on saturation. But one of my threads showed it to go up and down based on if the activity went up or down. When people reply to your thread, reply back. Both actions will cause it to climb in value. If it sits too long with no votes or comments, it seems to drop.

This also makes me wonder if the value of your active threads will rise or fall based on your over all activity in the community as a whole.

Aye, I'm hoping someone will come and set us straight on all this.

I like these new changes a lot! The no payouts after 30 days would suck if I become famous and my archives are valuable, but wait... If I am famous then things are probably going very well without those payouts. I am cool with it. Thanks devs!!!

Sorry what "no payments after 30 days" thing are you talking about?

I do not think there is a limit on max posts but there is a limit I think on the effectiveness of the rewards and upvotes you may receive.

Some one correct me if I am wrong please.

Yes, I know you can definitely post as much as you like, but I'm very curious about the point at which things will start being diluted. I do think its a great idea, but some clarity on the issue is badly needed.

Well the one limit I know of is you can only create a new thread every 5 minutes.

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