Raleigh Steemit Meetup June 15 - BIG NEWS - Update 9

in #steemit6 years ago


It seems that a weekly post was having a good effect. The responses have been trickling in. Hopefully things will pick up as we get closer. Feel free to resteem this or send it directly to people you think might be interested in a Raleigh meetup!

Big News

The Steemit Meetup continues to be FREE. The Cryptolina two-day blockchain conference is normally $499. We have set up the Steemit discount, which is far more generous than I originally anticipated. The event organizers are giving Steemit members a FIFTY percent discount. Half price. If you use the code STEEMIT50 your price to attend Cryptolina will only be $250. Again, you do not have to attend Cryptolina to attend the free Steemit meetup.

The slate of speakers for Cryptolina is growing. It is promising to be an excellent event. Again, the Steemit meeting is FREE.


One of the suggestions I have received is that we bring in a high profile speaker for the Steemit meetup. I know many of the speakers who are coming to Cryptolina and have one who has not confirmed yet who would be perfect for this event. But if he does not make it, I still intend on roping on of the other high profile attendees into coming to our Steemit meeting. Would having a high profile speaker make this event more attractive to anyone? There are two others who have been invited to Cyrptolina who I will ask to come speak here. I think attendees will be impressed with either of these speakers.

The biggest issue facing this plan right now is attendance. I am going to secure the venue at the convention center and cover the cost of drinks and snacks (maybe pizza). It ain't no meeting unless there are snacks, right? The only way we are going to ensure a decent turnout is to spread the word. So far this is what things looks like:

Confirmed or likely
@coldsteem (as a speaker at Cryptolina, I will be there anyway)


Even if we only have six or eight people, we will still hold the meetup. I plan to provide information about the meet up to attendees of Cryptolina and invite anyone who is attending the crypto conference to come to our meeting as well. This is in hopes that we can recruit new members to the platform who already have a demonstrated interest in crypto.

The list is slowly growing. I will continue posting about this once a week. My request is that you resteem this post or send information about the event to people you think may be interested in attending. This promises to be a fun and informative opportunity for Steemians in our region to get together and discuss the platform. I really hope we can get a good turnout. I don't mind buying pizzas and drinks if we an get a good crowd together.

Feel free to leave any suggestions, recommendations or comments you have about this event in the comments section. If you can think of a way to get wider distribution on this event across the platform, feel free to chime in.


Beep!Beep! @shadow3scalpel & listkeeper @chairborne have your six new veterans, retirees and military members on STEEM. We’ll be patrolling by to upvote your posts (because you are on the list) and we'll answer any questions you leave us. Comment by @shadowspub. This is a opt-in bot.

Your a long way from my home brother, I would like to learn more but this trip isn't in the cards.

If you use the code STEEMIT50 your price to attend Cryptolina will only be $250.

That's a great discount.
I'd rather put that $250 into actual cryptocurrency.

No [----------|-]Yes
--------------- I'm about here. Just don't know if something will popup on the schedule.

Do you have an estimated time of day? Which day?

It will be on the 15th in the evening. Probably around six.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 57983.59
ETH 3132.93
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44