OMG ETH and XRP have to leave the Steemit Homepage! There is something wrong with the picture steemit is pushing, Alt Agendas don't belong on the Homepage!

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

Steemit Please Remove These Two Coins!

Screen Shot 2019-05-19 at 8.21.22 AM.png

ETH and XRP are our competitors and should not be listed next to the price of STEEM, SBD, and BTC! Sorry if this post is confusing, but I was in shock today after seeing most my pics a little blurrier than the previous day, and then flaborgasted when I looked at the price of XRP higher than steem. That is why I felt it was my duty to send this to trending, to get my message out! Isn't that the point, glad were on the blockchain otherwise this would not be possible!

If anything they should be forgotten about from the homepage of Steemit because these specific alt coins don't have anything to do with us. Where is WeedCash, Partiko?? BTC is the exception because STEEM & SBD coins get exchanged in BTC here, but I just don't see any reason us as a steemit community to advertise XRP and ETH.

Screen Shot 2019-05-19 at 8.21.13 AM.png

Now XRP is Higher than STEEM, that is a good reason as any to remove this coin from the Steemit Homepage!

Follow @coininstant for more!


EOS to be there? :D


Agreed but it's such a lame implementation of a chart that I don't think anyone's looking at it.

Yeah you highlighted a good point bro! I also agree with this too!


Yeah, it may be looked at as a conflict of interest! Also a distraction, i got distracted all day by XRP being on the homepage, when I should have been working on getting stuff done!

Keep your enemies close, hehe.

Just close enough to be immediately killed.

That is one reason I’ll agree with that. I think they are just being lazy and not smart though. They could keep our enemies close on a buried away link!

I don't think XRP is a competitor to Steem by a long shot. Does it really provide with a creative content platform?

Also isn't Steemit allowed to put any cryptos on their tickers they will. It's not like it matters as Steem !=

They are allowed to do whatever they want, this is just my opinion! Some pople may not have any idea and assume if steemit posts xrp price that means they approve it, and maybe that person spends some money on it after they came here to buy steem in the first place. Just saying people can be manipulated by the smallest things!

If they buy xrp if what they wanted was steem I think they would realize rather quickly that they made a mistake and exchange it for steem. If they are that easily swayed then, "manipulated" as you say, they will be by any other triviality.

Posted using Partiko Android

Keep it around. Those tokens have no equivalence to $STEEM...

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, I agree! Better to replace it with good performer steem engine token.

this chart is of no use when the price is on rise it don't even show current right prices

Well, whilst I understand your concern, ETH and XRP have very different use cases... So they aren't direct competitors!

Mmm sounds legit.

I have no problem with ETH, but XRP is the old banking system undercover.

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't have any problem with eth, besides it being slow, that does not stop me from liking bitcoin. I could not bring up one without the other. I own some XRP, I don't hate it, just like the old saying "One of these things is not like the other" I guess my brain was trying to think rationally for a change! Organization in websites is key, I guess Steemit is just Backing XRP and ETH and we better buy some as long as they say cause they probably gunna manipulate it up! Does not sound 100% legal to me?? The prices of ETH and XRP have been coming back even better than steem. I wonder if any of the ether sites list the price of steem on their websites? What about XRP, what do we get in return? Wheres my XRP dividend for advertising XRP?

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