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RE: #SharkSchool Lesson #5: How To Cook A Rotten Fish

in #steemit6 years ago

This is pretty interesting. I too have noticed some pros and cons to this platform. I’ve seen insignificant, poorly written and boring content bring in $500+ while some fantastic content go unnoticed. That is very unfortunate, as the author of the great but unnoticed content will get discouraged and give up. If that starts to happen we’ll have more and more junk and less really great content.

I definitely hear ya about not really owning anything with cryptos. (I have been waiting for Warcraft, Halo, Destiny, Call of Duty, etc to have an ICO) LOL. I am very use to having ownership in something I invest in. I buy silver, I OWN the silver. I buy stock, I OWN the stock and a tiny piece of the company. I bought Activision/Blizzard because I saw the number of subscribers exploding and multiplied it by $9 per month, per subscriber! I bought Marvel (before it was gobbled) because they were making fantastic X-Men movies and I heard the plan to expand on a company conference call.With cryptos, you kinda own momentum. :(

Anyway great post. We’ll see how this goes.


Agreed. I was a Kool Aid drinker until this crash. I'm a little more skeptical now.

You should join the Discord chat if you haven't already. You seem like an intelligent person.

Just joined discord. Don’t really know how it works yet, but thanks for the invite.

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