Meet Bitcoins IDENTICAL brother...Virtacoin!

in #steemit8 years ago

You may have been on Reddit and saw someone spamming about Virtacoin. I was the first council member after it launched back in 2014. I and a few others were the founders. But with wild determination, and a walk across America, I was trying to get the word out about the crytocurrency that was IDENTICAL to Bitcoin.

(My first post about Virtacoin...

When I talk about IDENTICAL, I REALLY mean, identical. For one perfect example, Virtacoin can be transferred using the Bitcoin blockchain. Yes, it is the ONLY cryptocurrency to be able to do this. For example, a wallet address for Virtacoin is identical to Bitcoin.

I was really excited about this, and not knowing what it meant, so I formed the first Virtacoin Council along with three other people from the Reddit. Mousetraptraffic, and Mr_Peoples and Aeonpi along with another guy.

We exchanged emails and formed the first group chat in Gmail for Virtacoin for the founders only. There, we discussed plans, and I was the one chosen to relay those ideas to the Virtacoin community.

At first it was slow, and hard to understand, but after the first month, and several Reddit posts, we got the group we were looking for. A few devs came along and worked on the wallet, and I had the opportunity to announce several up and coming changes. From the beginning it was an odd ride, but most of the time very hard.

I would update the Reddit community with BTC - VTA prices, and even give updates on my walk and who I had talked to about the currency. Those who I talked to were not very interested in a currency online, because they were afraid that it could just vanish and be gone. Several folks told me that they needed to actually HOLD the money in their hand before even thinking about buying it.

Yes, I did a lot for the community in the early days, but the founders in the Council were getting less interested in my daily updates on the walk. Mr_Peoples turned out to be a scammer who stole hundreds of thoudands of VIrtacoin, and we needed to regroup. We were warned, but in all the excitement, we didnt listen...

Later, the council disbanded, and I left the community that I and others with me had formed. But why? Because of several things. Life on the road was getting more and more difficult, and I wasnt able to post daily like I wanted. Some days I was in the middle of nowhere with no internet.

The second thing that happened was QoinPro was on and off line. It had adopted our coin and we decided to promote it. Not knowing that it would eventually go offline with all of my 715,000 Virtacoin and several other coins...I almost gave up.

Since I was not able to be reached by council email, they left me for a quitter, and found others to take my place. I was hurt, and tried to explain, but they didnt really understand.

To this day, I go to my account and see the 250,000 Virtacoin that I still have, hoping some day it will rise in value. Since the early days, Virtacoin was .0000001 satoshi, and never really got any better. Then, this year, the guys found a way to get the price to rise. I am happy for them, and often view the Reddit/Virtacoin posts. They are a happy group, and one I miss sometimes.

But they are that way because they got another good group of devs to run the show. Something I could never do. I am happy to be here now, and still happy about my walk, but I feel the council gave up on me.

Here is verification that I was a first user of Virtacoin after the big change from Virtapay. (At the time I was CODYMAC38)


I know that Virtacoin has risen in price and many others have adopted it, but I will always know that my first memory of a cryptocurrency was Virtacoin. How I literally walked America to promote it. Council Founder, and now just a holder.

It has been a weird ride! :D


The ironies of life!
After all that, its still a good experience for you!
Cheers!! LOL
It is something to remember!

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