Unfair Earnings on Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

I have been on Steemit for just over 2 months. I was very excited to see that I had earned several dollars, just for introducing myself, and posting some pictures and videos, that I like on the web. In the first month I was inviting a lot of people to Steemit, and they joined! I invited people from Youtube, Facebook and other social networks, even forums that I am a member of, that are about earning money online.


I don't know why, or what it is, but after the fork happened, my earning turned from several dollars to several cents or even 0. I have no idea if I did or didn't do something, but I don't feel that I deserve this, as I have invited a lot of people to Steemit. I definitely feel that I don't deserve this, as I have worked so hard to improve my posting. Also I care about all of the people that comment and I have even given away money to them, to help them improve also.

I can't be a beautiful girl posting my pictures in bikini. ☺lol. I can't be a whale that joined the webiste from the beginning, I can't buy a lot of steem power to have better upvotes, I can't give more money that I don't earn from the website, I can't be a programmer that is dumping his posts, I can't travel around the world to show you picitures and video, I can't talk and explain technical things that are happening with crypto world.

It is everything I can do, not to give up on Steemit, and not to give up on my followers, and to keep fighting for the success that I deserve from Steemit, or indeed any place where I work online. It's not an easy thing to do, but I will do it, even if it could take me several years to succeed. But it is unfair to see what some peoples earnings are, after just one hour, and yet you might not earn that after years of work.

Follow @Clixmoney for more motivation !


Pretend this is Gold mining, the early people took all the easy gold on the surface invested in dredges and can move tons of dirt a day while you show up with a pan and shovel and can wash very little.
The first people to do Bitcoin mined all day too for a bunch of nothing, but through persevirance and patients kep mining and waiting and supporting the coin. Now it's paying nice along with many other that got in late. They turned hard work in other fields into investing because it became too late to mine but are still profeting because of the early people. I'm buying steem to catch up and ride the wave as it builds plus typing my ass off to get recognised as well. Not uggesting you shoud do the same. just my few cents worth. Pan the dust on the surface or go deep :-)
Best wishes

I understand you, but anyway I hope we will have an other hardfork to change things to the better ! people are working really hard and it's hard for them to not give up, in mining you know for sure that you will earn something but here it's the chance playing the main role, if you will get upvoted by a whale you will earn what ever you will get upvoted by little fishies and earn few cents ☺ It's of course better than nothing but I am an internet marketer, this is my work, I invite people to the website to see results !

Encouraging words to clixmoney. Take them seriously.

What price are you comfortable buying Steem? I used to think under $1.50 however these days unless I can pickup Steem for under $1.20 ideally under $1 I'm probably not buying anymore and will just do it the long way and earn it.

I haven't given it much thought really, The going price is what I pay and don't usually play the exchange much. If a coin climbs too fast I wait...Nice thing about SP is it can't be dumped too fast, plus is safe from thieves unless you don't check your account for weeks.
I'm of the mindset that if you look after today, tomorrow is promising :-)
Today - Life is Good

I was kicking myself for not loading up on Steem when it was like 0.95 cents a while back.

Life is fair in that it is unfair to us all. I consider coming onto Steemit with the primary goal of earning money a mistake. Hear me out. Steemit is already a quality social media site. I have already read more original posts here on Steemit in a week that the years on Google+. Face Palm would take several centuries.

The key in using social media is to build relationships and to fertilize your brand. If you have ever watched the construction site of a large building being erected, then it takes time to lay the footers, the foundation, etc. However, once the first two floors are up the rest goes much faster.

Posters coming on here and immediately earning money came here with a following. That's is because they built relationships somewhere else. Earning money is a byproduct of being a people person.

not all of them came here with a following, just people like what they like ! the same is on youtube and instagram and in the life also ☺

I'm a huge fan of Steemit don't get me wrong but when I see people saying its better than facebook or youtube or medium or whatever else I kind of question that. This is a young site, its still finding itself. I personally don't feel like content is the focus of this site and would like that to be the case more so. I also think wee could use more diversity of content on here as well. Alot of the types of stuff I'm into watching on youtube and reading other places isn't available on here which is why I'm trying to act as an ambassador and bringing more people from different walks of life over here. I see a lot of people who aren't active on steemit hwo try it out they complain that there's too much content about steemit itself. I dont know that I would agree this that, there's plenty of content on youtube aboue youtube but i do think we need more variety here.

@rulesforrebels It becomes a matter of what members use Steemit for, in the realm of social media. I have two great passions and my main fortes reside with them. They are Sustainable living, which includes bio-dynamic gardening, homesteading, and prepping, and anthropology, especially how it plays out in psychology; in particular, applied psychology. Steemit provides a forum and an audience which will grow and eventually check out my stuff off-site. This will include guiding them to You Tube, which is a different tool. I view Face Palm as a destination to play the narcissist and make enemies. The variety will come through the greater use of tags. I have made tags that apparently no one else is using or very little. One example is #parenting. I would have thought that more posts would use that tag. Eventually, it will appear on the trending list.

A lot of what you have issue with is indeed a problem and it echoes the shattered lives of virtually all humans. Yet, in comparison, the vast number of posts about Steemit, in and of itself, that amounts to blather, is less than endless cat pictures on other sites. (I have nothing against cats or having one for a pet, but there is more to life.) This sort of content everywhere is a form of façades, masks, and pretenses.

So I maintain a positive mental attitude and pick and choose my allies, which following does not equate. Yes; the site is young and it is incumbant upon members, like you and me, to make it better.

I can't be a beautiful girl posting my pictures in bikini. ☺lol. I can't be a whale that joined the webiste from the beginning, I can't buy a lot of steem power to have better upvotes, I can't give more money that I don't earn from the website, I can't be a programmer that is dumping his posts, I can't travel around the world to show you picitures and video, I can't talk and explain technical things that are happening with crypto world.

No, you can't do any of those things. You can only be you and do what you CAN do. Is there something you're good at? Write tutorials about it. Is there something you're learning to do? Write about that.

As for travel, well, wherever you are, do what you would do if you were some high-flying travel blogger who stopped by. Wherever you are? That's an exotic location. Take pictures every day; you never know the one that will be perfectly suited to a particular post.

No one said Steemit would be easy. If they did, they lied. It may not be easy but it is fair.

fair for you but not for me ☺ I was earning much more when I was advertising other websites, you can see the proof in my youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/c/clixmoney

Alot of people do make it sound easy but like you said it's no different than anything else in life or any other social media site. Go try to start a new Youtube Channel today and you'll run into the same frustrations of not getting views, not getting watchers, not making money. It takes time and hard work.

I have been working several years online, its not 'reality' to expect to come to a platform and make money over night. it takes hard work and consistency.

yes some people do hit the jackpot straight away, don't compare your self to these, compare your self to the majority others that have joined when you joined. Not the minority....

I am talking about people that are here less than month or a few weeks, look how much they are earning : @krischy @bitcoinandcoffee @jerrybanfield and more I just don't want to talk about exact people but I am talking about people that joined steemit in a few months also almost like me ! A lot of people feel that is unfair but they don't talk about that because they are afraid maybe ☺but I don't have no thing to lose, so I don't care and I hopo things will change to me in the near future !

Some people do showup and start making big money from their first post. I personally notice that tends to be women but not everyone. If your consistant and work hard and create quality content you can make a big mark on here fast, just look at @stackin

Hey @clixmoney just discovered you from a comment you left on my youtube video so thanks for promoting this site. i was already on here but not discovered your profile as well so thats cool.

I noticed you said that you can't do this and you can't do that alot. There's nothing stopping you from learning to be more technical and doing some tehnical analysis posts on here.

That said I get where your comming from. I think if you wanted to game the system on here or to post to earn there's certain topics that you can write about that will do better than others. At the end of the day I wnat to enjoy myself as well as earn so I'd prefer to do the content I already create and maybe earn less but actually enjoy doing it.

I think this is a longterm game and I think its as much about connecting with others and being part of the community and commenting than it is about creating content, honestly i woudl say its probably more so about commenting on other peoples stuff and voting. I tend to notice a lot of great contetn gets lost in the shuffle.

what are the best topics to write about in your opinion ?

the two that jump to mind are cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency analysis and writing about steemit the platform itself, steem power, etc. also look at tags and topics on the right hand side of steemit, those are all the most popular topics on steemit things like photography, art, bitcoin, writing, story, health, poetry, technology, etc.

alot of my content is about entrepreneurship which if you check is not a trending category or area although im hoping to change that. i was chatting with the creator of chainbb and he said he may add a business/entrepreneur category, i really hope he does.

I am doing so, most my posts are with the most popular tags and those topics I always write about them, but I think that is the mistake that I make, I may be have to use less popular tags to find some traffic

One thing I might suggest, I would write about and create content about topics your passionate about and enjoy regardless of whether its whats popular on here or not because at the end of the day if you enjoy what your doing your more likely to keep doing it and to do more of it andyou're less likely to burn out. Not only that but your going to create the best content about stuff you know about than trying to branch out into topics just because they are popular.

I hadn't thought about strategically posting on lesser known tags or keywords. Sure the stuff on the right sidebar has the most eyes on it but I would imagine more competition as well. For example I do a weekly series about side hustles and entrepreneurship and I post tags like entrepreneurship and side hustle. While I'm not getting the massive amount of eyes other tags are I imagine the people who do find my content are very passionate about the topic and more focused on it so that may be a good strategy.

As you know and understand that earning money online is not as straightforward as it is on Steemit. Or as it was on Steemit before the fork. I share your experience too. I'm here for two months. The first two weeks were amazing. I thought I would be making $20 a day easliy. But then the fork happened and people stopped voting. People started voting on their own comments rather than upvoting good content in others' posts.

I have not lost hope because of so many generous and helpful people around. I have been earning quite a lot. Few cents at times but a few dozen dollars as well. I didn't stop working and helping and it has helped me.

Steem On

hope is good but it's hard to not lose it

I tagged your post and mentioned you in my latest post. Have a look.

Keep spirit guys
Just like us in general, but in the emerging world of technology, we must not stop learning or we will be left behind

At least Steemit has appreciated the content owners

It's not enough to appreciate, we have to get what we deserve !

I encourage you to find more of your own voice about things (besides steemit and making money) that you enjoy sharing with others. Just your handle/name for example, might lead people to assume you are only interested in making $. If your content reflects that as well, then people might think you are shallow and not that interesting. Search deep within for what you want to share, about your life and interests.

I do all of that but it doesn't work, maybe people don't like Russians, and a lot of people know that I am living here, I always share things about earning money online and I don't think it's shame to do, it's normal we all are here to earn ! But I will keep searching for that and I hope I will find the way out ! I don't give up and the fact that I have more than 1000 followers is saying that I am on my right way, I just have to be better every day !

dont forget to upvote

Remove me from that list, I just wanted to know what website are you talking about, there is better one, here is it : https://steemfollower.com

strategy is the way to earn more if you want to increase your earnings built your own supportive group where you can exchange upvotes with each other. This is what I learned from other's idea. I talked to others thru chat especially to minnows like me and have friendship with them. Even if you posted a very original and informative post not everyone will appreciate it, why? Because some of them are already loyal in upvoting their friend's post. Actually I saw someone's post he is also a minnow like me but I noticed that his post is all about memes and these posts are earning $5 above.. wow! imagine that all his posts are just about memes but he's earning a lot maybe because he has lot of friends that he invited on steemit and they are exchanging upvotes.

maybe he joined steemit so early

no...... he just joined June 2017

so posting about the same thing it's better maybe on steemit, if you post just about meme you will earn more also, if you post just about bitcoin you will earn more .. etc we have to try that

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