Can anyone out there tell me how can a hacker be tracked on steemit?

in #steemit6 years ago

So after been away from using steemit for a few months after going out my way to help who I could to not have to struggle the way i did i come back and find some somehow has taken on my identity not as @clivemartin but as @clivemartins and the very girl @chelsea who helped me along when I first started it seems has been hacked and its a shame and scary because this platform no longer feels safe and my name has been dragged out in public artist and never once been approached about whats happened. I have multiple social media accounts where I am who I am and to be labelled as a scam artist a hacker. is there no protection against this kind of thing. why was i not consulted or told. in the process i have helped people here and you can tell by looking at the nature of all my posts right from start and i don't take lightly my name or reputation been defamated for something i have not done and would not know the first thing about hacking. It doesnt make me a scam artist. You can publically read the whole feed here

Some one has made me out or cloned me and made me look like a monster and @chelsea yes you are a decent genuine person but why the hell didn't you tell me. I was in your group yes you were in my discord channel. No we didnt have a phone call not to me anyway. I'm finding this out two months later because my younger brother Ben Martin who is everything I said he was has not long brought this to my attention. Now I don't know what the hell has gone on but I'm here to defend myself and im please asking

@guiltyparties you are the only witness here that i know and trust is there any way please that you can some how track what has gone on. I was just about lifting my confidence up again after giving up here when literally it was my younger brother some how that brought this to my attention and he does not even use this platform and neither of us want or deserve to have our reputations damaged for some hacker that sounds like comes from michagen of where ever. is it possible that someone has ghosted my account as @chelsea does refer to a @clivemartins my account is @clivemartin is steemit really that unsafe


Looking into it. There is no @clivemartins account on Steem. So far it looks like this entire mess stems from misunderstanding of how the Steem blockchain works. All I can see is the Steem wallets (accounts) mentioned are not compromised and everything is alright in that regard. I can't say anything about Facebook or all that but the main topic here in the end is the sanctity of the wallets.

Agreed there's no @ clivemartins
And i don't think i ever mentioned that.
If u want further insight @guiltyparties i can be contacted on discord or steemit chat

The Steemcleaners or me don't focus on issues off the blockchain since we've got our hands full of phishers here. The good news is all accounts seem to be alright and that's the most important thing in the end.

Yeah exactly a witness can't "unhack" an account i would never expect that.

For the record i put a ton of timeinto that post before calling out the user @clivemartin

im not just a user @chelsea88 i'm a real person with real feelings whose had a real social media presence for over half of your life and your accusing me of hacking your account. Something i have no skills to do what so ever but here you are going into my fb accounts posting stuff from my business and postining it here . do you seriously think a hacker would have so many public accounts tracing themselves back t them. I'm motre than disappointed. Its my reputation you are defaming and that I take legally serious. the last 3 months ive been fighting to pick my life back up after very personal stuff i've gone through i come back here to see this yet you never came forward to me how on earth did you even think i did this.? what would you like a copy of my provisional passport and driving license to prove who i am and where i'm from or will you accuse that of been fake too!! Any why on earth would i invite a whole bunch of verified people who know me here @chelsea88 you could not be any further than the truth thats without going into the fact i come from a christian back ground son to a minister and never once stole or been deceitful to anyone in 42 years of my life i'm disgustested @chelsea88 all that time and you had to blame me as for the $500 phone bill what the hell are you on about. Well i'm here defending my name @chelsea88 and it isn't something I should have to do but i'm here with nothing to hide and don't forget how long our coversation was about star children which you inspired me to look at I wont forget i have all our dialogue and so did you until you left the discord room whats wrong with you to accuse me?

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

You can publically read the whole feed here .
It should be publicly instead of publically.

I don't care can you read the context and actually help?

That's a bot, i'm sure there's some stat lurking around for how many accounts have bots attached to them but from what I can see it looks like a majority of this platform is either bots or scammers. I'm "out" personally but sticking around for another week to make sure my own bots are set up and working that will just continually call out the scammers I've found for as long as the accounts exist. I strongly suggest you find a platform with a better community, of the half that aren't bots theres a good portion of the rest that are midlevel coders, not quite good enough to be legit w/ a coding job not quite good enough to be legit w/ a hacking group so they find this nice grey area on steemit where their average coding skills can be used to scam people. Few company would pay for the level of code you find on most of the "addon" sites and no hacking group is letting scripters in (unless its a patsy) what's that leave for lazy immoral scumbags? SCAMS!


I have read Both Posts Now and There is No proof in @Chelsea88 post that Prooves that @clivemartin as hacked anyone. I am not disputing that you got hacked but just because you spoke to clive don't mean he was the one that hacked you. and as @guiltyparties has stated no wallets was compromised during this time @chelsea88 you could be held liable for defamation of character.

Thanks for the concern. I won't be spamming clives post with a duplicate copy/paste comment but if you would like more info read my reply to him above.

Thank you for not disputing that i was indeed hacked, as I was, and it was a WIFI hack that can easily occur with entry level knowledge/skill set.

A skill set I don't have chelsea really sometimes its just better to admit you assumed wrong I don't do lies it's not a part of my life really isnt

It must be a strong wifi connection you have to for Clive to pick up your WIFI signal from the UK .
So with you saying it was a WIFI hack I would look a little closer to home chick.

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