[ STEEMITIQUETTE QUOTES ] Excuses are the Tools of the Weak and Incompetent - Frank Ocean

in #steemit8 years ago

So what’s your excuse for not writing today?

PHOTO CREDIT: http://www.dhfitness.ie

No rewards, No Motivation

PHOTO CREDIT: http://www.inddist.com/

Not getting enough rewards for a day’s blog post? 

You spent so much time in research and drank 4 cups of coffee just to get a decent, quality, valuable post for steemit. Your butt hurts for sitting on that chair for 3 hours writing that article, deleting, rewriting, deleting, rephrasing, choosing the right word/s so that you’re blog doesn’t sound so boring as it already is.

Then after 14 hours of putting it out there for steemit members to see, your post gets $0.01. Where is justice in that? 

Is this your excuse?

Nothing to Write About

PHOTO CREDIT: http://vamaislonge.com.br

Really? How about writing about “nothing to write about”? Why can’t you find something to write about? “Everybody’s writing about my ideas. And they do it better than me!” “ I was planning to write about my favorite recipe but she got to write it first. I don’t know what else to do!”

Ideas don’t just run out. They are born every second of every minute of everyday. You just have to find them. 

But you won’t find them if you keep making excuses.

I Tried to Write but my Writing Sucks

PHOTO CREDIT: http://www.quickmeme.com

A fifth-grader can write better than me. I don’t know how to form my thoughts. My grammar sucks and people laugh at me. Should I use “inspite of” or “despite of”? I am not good at spelling, either. And my vocabulary is very limited. 

Duh! Stop wallowing in misery. Get up on your feet and find good books to read. Plenty of resources to go around. Your mind works only when you feed it. And feed it well. Not with self-pity. 

Is this your excuse?

I Have No Time

PHOTO CREDIT: http://glucoseclub.com/

I’m busy with my work. I’m busy with kids at home they always make a mess. I am traveling and I only have my phone. It’s hard to write using my phone and that auto-correct drives me crazy it’s wasting my time.

If there’s a will, there’s a way. Make time. If you are serious about getting successful in steemit, time is your most valuable resource.Without it, everything will be on hold.

Is this also your excuse?

Excuses promotes inaction. Inaction promotes stagnation. Stagnation promotes death.

So stop making excuses and get your lazy butt to work!  Who knows, this time, your post will get noticed. And you will be glad you acted instead of making some lame excuses.


Here's a help: Ask yourself what skills you have, and set out to teach them. That's how I came up with writing my "Bitshares Trading Diary."

  • If you know how to cook, share a recipe you came up with while puttering around in the kitchen.
  • If you work out, share the routines that build up the muscle.
  • If you managed to lose some weight, write about how you did it (and what obstacles you had to overcome.)
  • If you can set up a Raspberry Pi and hook it up to your thermostat, write about your new "smart house."
  • If you can wire a new plug without getting stung by 110-120 volts of electricity :) , write an article explaining how.

"How-to" articles. If you've got something to share, share it!

If you're frustrated about getting $0.01 or so for your works, here's a help: see them as information-gathering. A $0.01er just means you haven't found your niche - your metier - yet.

If you're not careful, you'll pick up some new friends :o)

simply brilliant! i'll take you up with the Raspberry Pi how-to... someday ;-)

I agree 100! We must act! All comes with experience! All the great writers did not write a better student!

just keep writing. it's the best way to becoming a better writer. at least some 300 words per post. Anything less than that, IMHO is short of benefits especially if you are just starting. The more words, the more ideas you generate and the more you get to using these words second nature.

really? Who told you I needed a kick in the butt? Did you really have to do it so publicly? Damn.. you just took all my excuses and blew them to hell.

Somebody has to say it some time or another LOL. Now go earn yourself some steem 😉

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