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RE: Pride and Foolishness

in #steemit7 years ago

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, eh? This will be a good experiment and I expect you to keep us all posted with your findings. If Steemit is turning into a vote auction site I'm really not interested in being part of it. I know you are a person who values quality content and that will not change. I also know you want that Lambo and understand that making money has its expediencies, especially when you are young and with family. It is a horribly corrupting force. That makes you the perfect person to run this experiment, someone who I feel will be honest in his appraisal.

Quite a few times I've been put in positions wherein I could have profited heavily had I only give up my morality. I never walked that path. My father was money obsessed and he died relatively young (and rich). My mother fretted herself to the grave worrying that she would somehow squander her inheritance. I know first hand that there is no salvation in that direction yet it seem to be everyone's obsession. Good luck to you and I look forward to your honest findings.

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